All you have to do is updated any .properties file Tapestry has
already read, and it will force a rescan and reload of all:

find src -name \*.properties | xargs touch

On Fri, Feb 12, 2010 at 11:26 AM, Felix Gonschorek
<> wrote:
> Hello Howard,
> Am 11.02.2010 23:17, schrieb Howard:
>> the question about
>> live class reloading for Tapestry services came up.
> we are running our tapestry applications with jetty as a maven plugin and
> eclipse java debugging turned ON ("pom.xml"->"debug
> as..."->"maven..."->"goal: jetty-run").
> This way, we already can change the implementation of our services and
> optimize database queries and other stuff that is located inside the methods
> of the implementation. together with page live reloading i only restart
> jetty when i
> a) change the configuration of tapestry (including adding new services),
> b) when i add an interface method,
> c) change method parameters or
> d) add another field to my service implementation.
> this works even across projects with maven "resolve dependencies in
> workspace accross projects" configuration turned on. all this is heaven on
> earth for us java developers.
> i read the other replies to your post and i was asking myself if we are the
> only ones working this way?
> 50% of the time i have to restart jetty, because tapestry does not recognize
> newly added component .properties I18N files! so fixing that would be more
> effective for us ;)
> Felix
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Howard M. Lewis Ship

Creator of Apache Tapestry

The source for Tapestry training, mentoring and support. Contact me to
learn how I can get you up and productive in Tapestry fast!

(971) 678-5210

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