I generally base my log4j.properties from the tapestry quickstart
archetype... replace ${package} with your app package
(com.yourcompany.yourapp) Maybe this will help. You might try using
the quickstart to create a simple project and see if the logging works
with the rest of your environment, sometimes it helps to have
something that works to compare.

# Default to info level output; this is very handy if you eventually
use Hibernate as well.
log4j.rootCategory=info, A1

# A1 is set to be a ConsoleAppender.

# A1 uses PatternLayout.
log4j.appender.A1.layout.ConversionPattern=[%p] %c{2} %m%n

# Service category names are the name of the defining module class
# and then the service id.

# Outputs a list of pages, components and mixins at startup.

# Outputs startup statistics; elapsed time to setup and initialize the
registry, and a list of
# available services.

# Turning on debug mode for a page's or component's transformer logger
# will show all of the code changes that occur when the
# class is loaded.

# log4j.category.tapestry.transformer.${package}.pages.Index=debug

# Turning on debug mode for a component's events logger will show all
the events triggered on the
# component, and which component methods are invoked as a result.

# log4j.category.tapestry.events.${package}.pages.Index=debug

# Turning on trace mode for a page's render logger provides extended
information about every step
# in rendering (this is not generally helpful).  Turning on debug mode
will add a one-line
# summary that includes the elapsed render time, which can be useful
in tracking down
# performance issues.

# log4j.category.tapestry.render.${package}.pages.Index=debug

# Turn on some verbose debugging about everything in the application.
This is nice initially,
# while getting everything set up.  You'll probably want to remove
this once you are
# up and running, replacing it with more selective debugging output.

On Wed, Apr 28, 2010 at 9:57 AM, Tim Koop <t...@timkoop.com> wrote:
> This is where I'm at.  It's not working.
> I have a log4j.properties file in tomcat/conf which has these lines:
>   log4j.appender.tomcat = org.apache.log4j.RollingFileAppender
>   log4j.appender.tomcat.File = ${catalina.base}/logs/tomcat.log
>   log4j.appender.tomcat.MaxFileSize = 10MB
>   log4j.appender.tomcat.MaxBackupIndex = 10
>   log4j.appender.tomcat.layout = org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout
>   log4j.appender.tomcat.layout.ConversionPattern = %p %t %c - %m%n
>   log4j.rootLogger = INFO, tomcat
> Then I have another log4j.properties in my WEB-INF/classes folder with these
> lines:
>   log4j.appender.console = org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender
>   log4j.appender.console.layout = org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout
>   log4j.appender.console.layout.ConversionPattern = %p %t %c - %m%n
>   log4j.logger.myapp = DEBUG, console
> All my page and other packages begin with "myapp".
> When I try to log something using "info", it does show up in the tomcat.log
> file.  However, it does not show up on the console like I would like it to.
>  When I moved the lines from that file into the tomcat/conf/log4j.properties
> file, it all worked fine.  So basically, my
> WEB-INDF/classes/log4j.properties file is being ignored.
> Why is my log4j.properties file being ignored?  I even have its location
> specified in my web.xml file.
> What's going on?
> Thanks.
> --
> Tim Koop
> <mailto:t...@timkoop.com>
> On 16/04/2010 3:05 PM, Peter Stavrinides wrote:
>>> You need a log4j.properties file in $CATALINA_HOME/lib
>> Or in the classes directory at runtime... to ensure its always in the
>> right place simply put the log4j.properties or log4j.xml file is in the
>> src/main/resources root folder.
>> regards,
>> Peter

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