On Mon, Jun 7, 2010 at 20:38, Howard Lewis Ship <hls...@gmail.com> wrote:

> That's interesting, that GAE shuts down your instances.

Yes, its a big issue for some projects, so now google is working to
impoement support for dedicated JVMs:

"The work is in the progress but we should wait for the results. Here
is the news from
the Google I/O. See starting from 44:12

- Dedicated JVMs
- Will cost money"

>  There's a bit of
> Tapestry based on the idea that the application is long running, so it's OK
> if it takes a moment to start up initially. Under GAE that's not the case
> ... perhaps Tapestry under GAE should be even a bit lazier about loading
> and
> instantiating.
> When GAE shuts down the instance, is it undeploying the WAR?

I don't know. I'm not even sure whether there is a WAR, actually.
I can see in logs that sometime GAE starts a new JVM process, but sometimes
I see just Tapestry initialization with building services through AppModule.

>  All told, I
> think the most significant amount of time spent starting up a T5 app is the
> initial load of all those classes. I can see these during the Selenium
> integration tests, where the second test app to start up (all within the
> same JVM) is much faster because all the framework classes have already
> been
> loaded.
According to starting log request (see below), it takes ~13 seconds (from to for tapestry to build my services and render
index page. Compare it to 236 milliseconds total (!) for the second request
to the same page (when JMV is warm and caching is in scene).

The other time (~ 4,8 seconds) is some generic infrastructure startup (from
10:59:57.418 to This time is the same for non-tapestry
starting requests.

I just realized I've never turned on debug logging level for tapestry &
google code in production, will do this and see.

   1.  06-07 10:59PM 57.418 / 200 18215ms 20740cpu_ms 304api_cpu_ms
3kb Mozilla/5.0
   (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; ru; rv: Gecko/20100401 Firefox/3.6.3 (
   .NET CLR 3.5.30729),gzip(gfe) - dmitry.gusev [07/Jun/2010:23:00:15 -0700] "GET /
HTTP/1.1" 200 3763 "http://ping-service.appspot.com/"; "Mozilla/5.0
(Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; ru; rv: Gecko/20100401
Firefox/3.6.3 ( .NET CLR 3.5.30729),gzip(gfe)"

   2.  I 06-07 11:00PM 00.033 dmitrygusev.tapestry5.gae.ProfilingDelegate
   makeSyncCall: GAE/S memcache.Get: ->24<-
   dmitrygusev.tapestry5.gae.ProfilingDelegate.buildStackTrace:37 dm
   3.  I 06-07 11:00PM 00.065 dmitrygusev.tapestry5.gae.ProfilingDelegate
   makeSyncCall: GAE/S memcache.Get: ->21<-
   dmitrygusev.tapestry5.gae.ProfilingDelegate.buildStackTrace:37 dm
   4.  D 06-07 11:00PM 02.201 org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.internal.ModuleImpl
   create: Creating service 'LazyJPATransactionManager'.
   5.  D 06-07 11:00PM 03.220 org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.internal.ModuleImpl
   create: Creating service 'TimingFilter'.
   6.  D 06-07 11:00PM 03.225 org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.internal.ModuleImpl
   create: Creating service 'Utf8Filter'.
   7.  D 06-07 11:00PM 03.255
   createObject: Invoking method
   8.  D 06-07 11:00PM 03.261 org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.internal.ModuleImpl
   create: Creating service 'Application'.
   9.  D 06-07 11:00PM 03.263 org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.internal.ModuleImpl
   create: Creating service 'ScheduleDAO'.
   10.  D 06-07 11:00PM 03.318 org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.internal.ModuleImpl
   create: Creating service 'AccountDAO'.
   11.  D 06-07 11:00PM 03.342 org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.internal.ModuleImpl
   create: Creating service 'JobDAO'.
   12.  D 06-07 11:00PM 03.371 org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.internal.ModuleImpl
   create: Creating service 'RefDAO'.
   13.  D 06-07 11:00PM 03.423 org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.internal.ModuleImpl
   create: Creating service 'JobResultDAO'.
   14.  D 06-07 11:00PM 03.459 org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.internal.ModuleImpl
   create: Creating service 'GAEHelper'.
   15.  D 06-07 11:00PM 03.461
   createObject: Invoking method
   16.  D 06-07 11:00PM 03.472 org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.internal.ModuleImpl
   create: Creating service 'JobExecutor'.
   17.  D 06-07 11:00PM 03.477
   createObject: Invoking constructor dmitrygusev.ping.services.JobExecutor()
   (at JobExecutor
   18.  D 06-07 11:00PM 03.479 org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.internal.ModuleImpl
   create: Creating service 'Mailer'.
   19.  D 06-07 11:00PM 03.489
   createObject: Invoking constructor dmitrygusev.ping.services.Mailer() (at
   20.  D 06-07 11:00PM 03.521 org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.internal.ModuleImpl
   create: Creating service 'MemcacheService'.
   21.  D 06-07 11:00PM 03.544
   createObject: Invoking method
   22.  D 06-07 11:00PM 03.544
   createObject: Invoking method
   23.  D 06-07 11:00PM 03.553
   createObject: Invoking constructor
   24.  D 06-07 11:00PM 03.554 org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.internal.ModuleImpl
   create: Creating service 'Cache'.
   25.  D 06-07 11:00PM 03.593
   invoke: Invoking method
   26.  D 06-07 11:00PM 03.689
   createObject: Invoking method
   dmitrygusev.ping.services.AppModule.buildCache(Logger) (at
   27.  I 06-07 11:00PM 03.710 dmitrygusev.tapestry5.gae.ProfilingDelegate
   makeSyncCall: GAE/S memcache.Get: ->19<- ...LocalMemorySoftCache.get:64
   28.  D 06-07 11:00PM 03.716
   createObject: Invoking method
   29.  I 06-07 11:00PM 03.977 dmitrygusev.tapestry5.gae.ProfilingDelegate
   makeSyncCall: GAE/S datastore_v3.BeginTransaction: ->21<-
   ...AppModule$3$1.assureTxBegin:279 ...AppModule$
   30.  I 06-07 11:00PM 04.003 dmitrygusev.tapestry5.gae.ProfilingDelegate
   makeSyncCall: GAE/S datastore_v3.Get: ->23<- ...AppModule$3$1.merge:309
   ...AccountDAOImpl.update:65 ...Acc
   31.  I 06-07 11:00PM 04.065 dmitrygusev.tapestry5.gae.ProfilingDelegate
   makeSyncCall: GAE/S memcache.Set: ->22<- ...LocalMemorySoftCache.put:116
   32.  I 06-07 11:00PM 04.084 dmitrygusev.tapestry5.gae.ProfilingDelegate
   makeSyncCall: GAE/S datastore_v3.Put: ->18<- ...AppModule$3.commit:413
   33.  I 06-07 11:00PM 04.128 dmitrygusev.tapestry5.gae.ProfilingDelegate
   makeSyncCall: GAE/S datastore_v3.Commit: ->43<- ...AppModule$3.commit:413
   34.  D 06-07 11:00PM 04.175 org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.internal.ModuleImpl
   create: Creating service 'AccessController'.
   35.  D 06-07 11:00PM 04.175
   createObject: Invoking method
   36.  I 06-07 11:00PM 12.166 dmitrygusev.tapestry5.gae.ProfilingDelegate
   makeSyncCall: GAE/S user.CreateLogoutURL: ->18<-
   ...GAEHelper.createLogoutURL:53 ...TopBar.getLogoutURL:19
   37.  D 06-07 11:00PM 12.317
   createObject: Invoking constructor
   38.  D 06-07 11:00PM 12.321
   invoke: Invoking method
   39.  I 06-07 11:00PM 12.408 dmitrygusev.tapestry5.gae.ProfilingDelegate
   makeSyncCall: GAE/S memcache.Get: ->23<- ...LocalMemorySoftCache.get:64
   ...RefDAOImplCache.getRefs:67 ...A
   40.  D 06-07 11:00PM 12.413
   createObject: Invoking constructor
   41.  D 06-07 11:00PM 12.417
   invoke: Invoking method
   42.  I 06-07 11:00PM 12.470 dmitrygusev.tapestry5.gae.ProfilingDelegate
   makeSyncCall: GAE/S memcache.Get: ->27<- ...LocalMemorySoftCache.get:64
   ...ScheduleDAOImplCache.find:42 ..
   43.  I 06-07 11:00PM 12.492 dmitrygusev.tapestry5.gae.ProfilingDelegate
   makeSyncCall: GAE/S datastore_v3.BeginTransaction: ->21<-
   ...AppModule$3$1.assureTxBegin:279 ...AppModule$
   44.  I 06-07 11:00PM 12.550 dmitrygusev.tapestry5.gae.ProfilingDelegate
   makeSyncCall: GAE/S datastore_v3.Get: ->29<- ...AppModule$3$1.find:359
   ...ScheduleDAOImpl.find:41 ...Sched
   45.  I 06-07 11:00PM 13.819 dmitrygusev.tapestry5.gae.ProfilingDelegate
   makeSyncCall: GAE/S datastore_v3.RunQuery: ->1172<-
   ...AppModule$3$1.find:359 ...ScheduleDAOImpl.find:41 .
   46.  I 06-07 11:00PM 14.000 dmitrygusev.tapestry5.gae.ProfilingDelegate
   makeSyncCall: GAE/S datastore_v3.Commit: ->20<- ...AppModule$3.commit:413
   47.  I 06-07 11:00PM 15.048 dmitrygusev.tapestry5.gae.ProfilingDelegate
   makeSyncCall: GAE/S memcache.Get: ->18<- ...LocalMemorySoftCache.get:64
   ...RefDAOImplCache.getRefs:84 ...A
   48.  I 06-07 11:00PM 15.072 dmitrygusev.tapestry5.gae.ProfilingDelegate
   makeSyncCall: GAE/S memcache.Get: ->21<- ...LocalMemorySoftCache.get:64
   ...AccountDAOImplCache.find:18 ...
   49.  I 06-07 11:00PM 15.095 dmitrygusev.tapestry5.gae.ProfilingDelegate
   makeSyncCall: GAE/S memcache.Get: ->22<- ...LocalMemorySoftCache.get:64
   ...AccountDAOImplCache.find:18 ...
   50.  I 06-07 11:00PM 15.118 dmitrygusev.tapestry5.gae.ProfilingDelegate
   makeSyncCall: GAE/S memcache.Get: ->22<- ...LocalMemorySoftCache.get:64
   ...AccountDAOImplCache.find:18 ...
   51.  I 06-07 11:00PM 15.146 dmitrygusev.tapestry5.gae.ProfilingDelegate
   makeSyncCall: GAE/S memcache.Get: ->27<- ...LocalMemorySoftCache.get:64
   ...AccountDAOImplCache.find:18 ...
   52.  I 06-07 11:00PM 15.180 dmitrygusev.tapestry5.gae.ProfilingDelegate
   makeSyncCall: GAE/S memcache.Get: ->33<- ...LocalMemorySoftCache.get:64
   ...AccountDAOImplCache.find:18 ...
   53.  I 06-07 11:00PM 15.399 dmitrygusev.ping.services.AppModule$1
   service: Request time: 11848 ms

Second request:

      1.  06-07 11:19PM 08.651 / 200 266ms 345cpu_ms 73api_cpu_ms 3kb
      (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; ru; rv: Gecko/20100401
Firefox/3.6.3 (
      .NET CLR 3.5.30729),gzip(gfe) - dmitry.gusev [07/Jun/2010:23:19:08 -0700] "GET /
HTTP/1.1" 200 3772 "http://ping-service.appspot.com/"; "Mozilla/5.0
(Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; ru; rv: Gecko/20100401
Firefox/3.6.3 ( .NET CLR 3.5.30729),gzip(gfe)"

      2.  I 06-07 11:19PM 08.678 dmitrygusev.tapestry5.gae.ProfilingDelegate
      makeSyncCall: GAE/S memcache.Get: ->21<-
      dmitrygusev.tapestry5.gae.ProfilingDelegate.buildStackTrace:37 dm
      3.  I 06-07 11:19PM 08.702 dmitrygusev.tapestry5.gae.ProfilingDelegate
      makeSyncCall: GAE/S memcache.Get: ->23<-
      dmitrygusev.tapestry5.gae.ProfilingDelegate.buildStackTrace:37 dm
      4.  I 06-07 11:19PM 08.818 dmitrygusev.ping.services.AppModule$1
      service: Request time: 106 ms
      5.  I 06-07 11:19PM 08.881 dmitrygusev.tapestry5.gae.ProfilingDelegate
      makeSyncCall: GAE/S datastore_v3.Put: ->60<-
      6.  I 06-07 11:19PM 08.907 dmitrygusev.tapestry5.gae.ProfilingDelegate
      makeSyncCall: GAE/S memcache.Set: ->24<-
      dmitrygusev.tapestry5.gae.ProfilingDelegate.buildStackTrace:37 dm

> On Mon, Jun 7, 2010 at 7:01 AM, Thiago H. de Paula Figueiredo <
> thiag...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > On Mon, 07 Jun 2010 10:42:52 -0300, Dmitry Gusev <dmitry.gu...@gmail.com
> >
> > wrote:
> >
> >  This is exactly what I mean, I don't want tapestry to load even once for
> >> some requests. GAE shutdown/startup instances very often (one new
> instance
> >> per ~3 minues) and this consumes additional resources.
> >>
> >
> > Oops, I forgot this GAE characteristic and what you said makes sense now.
> > :)
> >
> > --
> > Thiago H. de Paula Figueiredo
> > Independent Java, Apache Tapestry 5 and Hibernate consultant, developer,
> > and instructor
> > Owner, Ars Machina Tecnologia da Informação Ltda.
> > http://www.arsmachina.com.br
> >
> > ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> > To unsubscribe, e-mail: users-unsubscr...@tapestry.apache.org
> > For additional commands, e-mail: users-h...@tapestry.apache.org
> >
> >
> --
> Howard M. Lewis Ship
> Creator of Apache Tapestry
> The source for Tapestry training, mentoring and support. Contact me to
> learn
> how I can get you up and productive in Tapestry fast!
> (971) 678-5210
> http://howardlewisship.com

Dmitry Gusev

AnjLab Team

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