It's still a WIP but I created a TapestryJobCreator which gets a 
PerthreadManager and a Runnable (your service) in the JobDataMap. This just 
calls run() on the service and does any cleanup. I need to tidy up the job 
creation part but you could easily get to the point where you had something 

        public static void contributeSchedulerService(Configuration<JobInfo> 
config, MyService service) {
                config.add(new JobInfo("0 0/30 * * * ?", service));

(where MyService implements Runnable and JobInfo is just a simple DTO)

Here is the TapestryJobCreator...

public class TapestryJobCreator implements Job {
        private static final Logger 
        public void execute(JobExecutionContext context)
                        throws JobExecutionException {

      "Executing job");
                PerthreadManager perthreadManager = (PerthreadManager) context

                Runnable runner = (Runnable) context

                try {
                } finally {
              "Doing cleanup");

Hope it helps,

-----Original Message-----
From: Daniel Henze [] 
Sent: 12 July 2010 21:21
To: Tapestry users
Subject: Quartz Job setup with JobDetails requires parameter free constructor - 
how to inject Service bindings

Hi there,

I am using chenillekit-quartz integration and followed the example setup 
on the module homepage 
( All 
good so far, got things up and running. But now I want to run a job that 
has other services (DAO, MailService) as dependencies. Setup is done via 
JobDetails class which uses a parameter free constructor to instantiate 
the implementation of an Interface:

new JobDetail("MailSenderJob", null, MailSenderJob.class)

I tried binding that clas (MailSenderJob) with build method in 
Application module and @Inject annotation, but nothing did work, always 
getting a NullpointerException when it comes to that service. I also 
could not find a JobDetail constructor that allows for setting 
dependencies, but no luck.

How can I get the service dependencies in MailSenderJob set up since 
Quartz does only use default constructor?

Thankful for any hints

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