Hi all,

I am trying out the Zoneupdater mixin on a dropdown. What I want to do is as 

When the user selects an option from the dropdown I want to trigger an event 
that filters a list, which is then used on an autocomplete textfield. Sounds 
simple enough but I don't quite understanding how to use the Zoneupdater to 
target only specific fields in my form without changing the other fields. 

To be more specific, I am using the Zoneupdater (code below) with a zone that 
encloses a form, and the form encloses several textfields. For my use case I 
only want to target one specific form element but don't know how to avoid the 
zone refreshing everything. I.e.: As it stands now, any input in other fields 
in the form is lost whenever I make a selection from the drop down menu due to 
the zone update, is there another way? 

<div t:type="zone" t:id="siteZone">
     <t:form >
       <!-- Textfield to autocomplete-->
        <t:textfield t:id="site" value="site"/>                                
       <t:select t:id="country" value="country" model="countriesModel"
               t:mixins="zoneUpdater" t:clientEvent="change" 
t:event="changeOfCountry" t:zone="siteZone"/>

       <!-- The rest of the form elements below -->


Object onChangeOfCountry() {        
        country = request_.getParameter("param");
        return siteZone_.getBody();

Thanks in advance,

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