This is something that's been nagging me. Although there's a bunch of good
options for selecting a date (or date/time) as JavaScript components bult
into Tapestry, or available elsewhere ... none of them address the issue of
the client and the server operating in different time zones.

At the very least, these components probably should include a time zone drop
down list (or other means of selection).

I haven't been able to find a sure-fire way of determing the user's time
zone from the HttpRequest.

I'm curious what kinds of solutions the community have used to address this
issue. It would be nice to come up with a true solution for Tapestry 5.3.

One option is a bit of JavaScript that reports the client's time zone (or
just time) to the server so that the server can identify their time zone

Howard M. Lewis Ship

Creator of Apache Tapestry

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