In 5.1 it's not possible. As of 5.2 you can contribute a Resource from
context or classpath to the ComponentMessagesSource service:

    public static void contributeComponentMessagesSource(
         Resource preappResource,
         OrderedConfiguration<Resource> configuration) {
        configuration.add("PreApp", preappResource, "before:AppCatalog");

On Fri, Aug 13, 2010 at 4:39 PM, Alexander Muthmann

>  Hi there,
> I'm currently developing a website which is extended by external modules. I
> have a top-menu which displays some basic classes and all registered classes
> provided by external modules.
> Now I have the following problem:
> Normally I would display a link with this code:
> <t:pagelink page="mypage">${message:mypage}</t:pagelink>
> Then I would add a key "mypage" to my or
> and everything would work. But what happens, if I don't want to supply the
> key in the main module's properties file but somewhere inside the external
> module?
> Is there a possibility to do a contribute to the messages-service or how
> can I achieve this?
> Thanks alot for your time!
> Alex

Best regards,

Igor Drobiazko

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