Thanks Thiago for your encouragement.

Here is my layout class.

<html xmlns:t="";>



package com.josh.tcontacts.components;

import org.apache.tapestry5.annotations.Import;

public class Layout {


Here is my scenario.

I have learnt how to create pages and how to create the layout component.
Learning how to use the individual ready made tapestry components is not
going to be a problem since the component reference is quite good.

My main problem so far is to manage the layout and to compose pages. I am
used to decomposing my pages into components. E.g i can have the header
component, the menus component, the EditUser component when ever i
want to create a new page, i can create the page and which will "inherit"
from the main layout but then be "Composed" of other components .  You may
have suspected that i have worked with wicket before i decided to try
tapestry. I could create panels in wicket and compose other pages using the
panels. That way i never repeat any markup .  Now i wanted to achieve the
same with tapestry and i know its possible. If i can be able to compose
pages, then working with the readily available components is not an issue.
Again , if i were to create each page and inherit the Layout, that wont be a
problem. How ever, i really need to be sure that i can split the markup into
various components and compose the pages as neccessary. I have read the book
by Kolesnikov but its referring mostly to tapestry 5.0 while there are major
features introduced in 5.2.x. So i used the book to learn the basic concepts
which i have understood. how ever, i wanted to learn the current stuff
regarding the UI components, annotations .e.t.c.

I hope you have a picture of my situation.

Again thanks alot for your help.


On Sat, Nov 6, 2010 at 9:00 AM, Thiago H. de Paula Figueiredo <> wrote:

> On Sat, 06 Nov 2010 09:42:17 -0200, Josh Kamau <>
> wrote:
>  I give up.
> In my humble opinion, you're giving up too fast. In addition, your chosen
> path wasn't the best one. I think you should try to learn how to write pages
> and *use* components first. You should try to write your own components
> after learning how to use them. I'm a teacher and, by my experience, people
> learn more and faster when they're tackling one thing at a time, only moving
> forward when they've learned the previous studied object well.
>  I cant get simple things to work and the scattered documentation is not
>> helping.
> Tapestry's documentation is being rewritten at
>  I will wait till the year when there will be a Tapestry5 in action book.
> If you read German, Igor Drobiazko, one of the Tapestry commiters wrote
> one. As far as I know, he's in the process of translating it to English. If
> you read Portuguese, I wrote one too. :)
> --
> Thiago H. de Paula Figueiredo
> Consultor, desenvolvedor e instrutor em Java, Tapestry e Hibernate
> Coordenador e professor da Especialização em Engenharia de Software com
> Ênfase em Java da Faculdade Pitágoras
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