Hi Jens, 

the contribute methods are used for configuration... therefore there are 
only executed once on startup (... or on lazy load)
once your dispatcher is in place only your dispatcher will be called.

please re-read the tapestry-ioc documentation.


Von:    "Jens Reufsteck" <jens.reufst...@staufenbiel.de>
An:     "'Tapestry users'" <users@tapestry.apache.org>
Datum:  15.11.2010 09:32
Betreff:        contribute mystery

I’m having some mystery going on when contributing a dispatcher. The 
dispatcher is always instantiated (according to the logs), but it’s used 
only sometimes. In some cases, when I start jetty (or tomcat), the 
dispatcher is used and then consequently it’s always used. But after a 
restart it’s not used, though I haven’t changed anything in the code.
Most puzzling to me: I’ve inserted 2 calls to System.out.println() in the 
contribute-method – and voila, the dispatcher is always used. As soon as I 
comment the two lines, it’s again like described above. See code below 
(this is T5.1).
Any help is much appreciated, no idea, where to look at.
    public static void contributeMasterDispatcher(
                        OrderedConfiguration<Dispatcher> dispatchers,
                        PageRenderRequestHandler renderer,
                        AuthenticationService auth,
                        Sitemap sitemap,
                        @Inject @Symbol ("loginPage") String loginPage) {
            Dispatcher authorizationDispatcher = new 
            //System.out.println("xxxxx Dispatcher initialized");
authorizationDispatcher, "after:ComponentEvent", "before:PageRenderer");
            //System.out.println("xxxxxx Dispatcher contributed");      
Many thanks
Jens Reufsteck
Marketing & Online Director 
Staufenbiel Institut GmbH
Events & Recruiting Solutions

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