Can you provide an example of an exception that is not being handled?

Are you talking about javascript exception or java exception?

On Fri, Dec 10, 2010 at 1:40 PM, Dimitris Zenios
<> wrote:
> Even if i create my own exceptionhandler function and register it through the 
> Tapestry.ajaxRequest(url,{ onException: function}) the exception handled is 
> not called when an exception is thrown.I think the problem is in the succes 
> function that  tapestry.js overwrites we have this snippet of code when the 
> status is 0 or the request was not a success
> if (!response.getStatus() || !response.request.success()) {
>        Tapestry.error(Tapestry.Messages.ajaxRequestUnsuccessful);
>        return;
> }
> it returns before calling the exception handler
> ps. i already submitted  a jira (TAP5-1368)  

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