Maybe I can write another component called for example RadioField and
construct it with Radio and Label components as aggregation fields.
Is there any other approach?

2010/12/12 Anton Mezerny <>

> Hi all,
> I'm trying to render dynamic RadioGroup like here:
>> <t:radiogroup t:id="radioGroup"
>                       value="value"
>>                       label="prop:context.availableLabel"
>>                       encoder="valueEncoderForFeature"
>>                       validate="prop:selectValidator">
> <t:loop source="context.availableItemList" value="oneItem">
>>                       <t:radio label=""
>> value="oneItem" />
>>     </t:loop>
> </t:radiogroup>
> Now labels are not rendered at all. Component renders only radiobuttons
> without any text lables.
> I can't add <t:tabel> tag because I have no defined Radio component in my
> component class (it could be several radiobuttons inside one RadioGroup).
> I tried also use plain html, like
> <label
> for="${}-feature-label">${}</label>
> <input id="${}-feature-label" t:type="radio"
> label="" value="currentFeature" />
> but tapestry rewrites input id, so label is rendered but not work as a
> label (click on it does'nt work)
> How can I achieve a normal label behavior in my case?
> Thanks in advance.
> Anton

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