With formatting:

On Thu, Dec 16, 2010 at 2:22 PM, Howard <hls...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm very proud to announce that the next major release of Tapestry,
> release 5.2, is now available as Tapestry version 5.2.4.
> This is the first stable release of Tapestry since (back in
> April 2009), which is far too long a cycle. You might wonder: what's
> been the holdup? The answer, for myself personally, is that I've been
> using Tapestry on two very, very different applications for two very,
> very different clients and I've been updating Tapestry to embrace the
> real world concerns of both of them. At the same time, I've done about
> a dozen public and private Tapestry training sessions and gathered
> reams of input from my students.
> Let's talk about some of the major enhancements in this release:
> Removal of Page Pooling
> Prior versions of Tapestry used a page pool; for each page, Tapestry
> would track multiple instances of the page, binding one page instance
> to a particular request. This was an important part of Tapestry's
> appeal ... all the issues related to multi-threading were taken over by
> the framework, and you could code your pages and components as simple
> POJOs, without worrying about the threading issues caused by running
> inside a servlet container.
> Unfortunately pages are big: it's not just one object but instead the
> root of a large tree of objects: components and templates, bindings for
> component parameters, component resources, and all the extra
> infrastructure (lists and maps and such) to tie it together. Some of
> the largest Tapestry projects have hit memory problems when they
> combined deeply componentized pages with large numbers of parallel
> threads.
> Tapestry 5.2 rewrites the rules here; only a single page tree is now
> needed for each page; the page and component classes have an extra
> transformation step that moves per-request data out of the objects
> themselves and into a per-thread Map object. Now, any number of
> requests can operate at the same time, without requiring additional
> page instances. Even better, the old page pooling mechanism included
> some locking and blocking that also gets jettisoned in the new
> approach. It's just a big win all around. Live Service Reloading
> People love the ability to change page and component classes in a
> Tapestry application and see the changes immediately; prior to 5.2 the
> same people would be disappointed that they couldn't change their
> services and see changes just as immediately. Tapestry 5.2 eliminates
> that restriction in most cases.
> This is super handy for services such as DAOs (data access objects)
> where it is now possible to tweak a Hibernate query and see the results
> as immediately as changing some content in a template. This is another
> Tapestry feature that you'll find you can't live without once you use
> it the first time! ClassTransformation API Improvements
> At the heart of Tapestry is the Class Transformation API; the
> extensible pipeline that is the basis for how Tapestry transforms
> simple POJOs into working components. Prior to 5.2, if you wanted to do
> any interesting transformations, you had to master the Javassist
> psuedo-Java language.
> Tapestry 5.2 reworks the API; it is now possible to do all kinds of
> interesting transformations in strict Java code; Javassist has been
> walled off, with an eventual goal to eliminate it entirely. Query
> Parameter Support
> Tapestry traditionally has stored information in the HTTP request path.
> For example, a URL might be /viewaccount/12345; the viewaccount part of
> the URL is the name of a page, and the 12345 part is the ID of an
> Account object. Tapestry calls the latter part the page activation
> context (which can contain one or more values).
> That works well when the a page has a fixed set of values for the page
> activation context, but not so well when the values may vary. For
> instance, you may be doing a search and want to store optional query
> parameters to identify the query term or the page number.
> Tapestry 5.2 adds the @ActivationRequestParameter annotation that
> automates the process of gathering such data, encoding into URLs as
> query parameters, and making it available in subsequent requests.
> Testing
> A lot of work has gone into Tapestry's testing support, especially the
> base classes that support integration testing using Selenium. The new
> base classes make it easy to write test cases that work independently,
> or as part of a larger test, automatically starting and stopping
> Selenium and Jetty as appropriate. Further, Tapestry expands on
> Selenium's failure behavior, so that failures result in a capture of
> the page contents as both HTML and a PNG image file. It is simply much
> faster and much easier to write real, useful tests for Tapestry.
> JSR-303 Support
> Tapestry now supports the Bean Validation JSR, converting the standard
> validation annotations into client-side and server-side validations.
> Documentation
> Tapestry's documentation has always been a challenge; for Tapestry 5.2
> we've been doing a massive rework; doing a better job of getting your
> started using Tapestry; it's still a work in progress, but since it's
> based on a live Confluence wiki (and no longer tied to the release
> process) the documentation is free to quickly evolve.
> Better yet, you don't have to be a committer to write documentation ...
> just sign your Apache Contributor License Agreement.
> And in terms of exhaustive guides ... Igor Drobiazko's book is being
> translated from German to English as Tapestry 5 In Action. Summary
> I'm very proud of what we've accomplished over the last 18 months;
> we've added new committers, new documentation, and lots of new
> features. We even have a fancy new logo, and a new motto: Code Less,
> Deliver More.
> Tapestry 5 was designed so that it would be possible to make big
> improvements to the internals and add new features to the framework
> without impacting existing users and applications; Tapestry 5.2 has
> validated that design and philosophy. It delivers a lot of punch in a
> non-disruptive way.
> So, if you are looking for a high-productivity, high-performance web
> framework that doesn't get in your way, it's a great time to take a
> closer look at Tapestry!
> --
> Posted By Howard to Tapestry Central at 12/16/2010 02:22:00 PM

Howard M. Lewis Ship

Creator of Apache Tapestry

The source for Tapestry training, mentoring and support. Contact me to learn
how I can get you up and productive in Tapestry fast!

(971) 678-5210

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