Hi Howard,

I know, but I've been through my code with a fine-toothed comb and as far as I can tell I'm doing everything right. I'm not storing any references to page objects, and all page objects I use in my code (to return from listeners) I'm getting from abstract getters annotated with @InjectPage.

I noticed that Tapestry kept instantiating pages, even though there should be plenty lying around in the page pool. I don't know whether that's a separate problem, or related to my original problem, but it didn't seem right. With some debugging I noticed that when the page objects are released back to the pool, the engine locale has changed! For instance, when the page is retrieved from the pool, the engine locale is "nl", but when it is returned, it is "nl_NL". The result is that the page key is different, and the objects are "released" back to a different pool, from which they are never retrieved!

I have overridden getLocale() in the page base class I created for my application, to look up the locale in the user settings if a user is logged in. Could that be the problem? I don't see how though, since the locale for the page key is retrieved from the engine, and I'm not changing that, I'm just returning a different locale from getLocale() in my base class.

If that could be the cause of the problem, then what is the correct way of allowing a user to choose their language other than using their browser setting (which many people don't know about, or don't want to change because they might want to use different languages on different sites)?

Kind regards,
Pepijn Schmitz

On 26-01-11 21:40, Howard Lewis Ship wrote:
It isn't familiar to me.  Once possible way things could go awry would
be for you to keep a reference to some page as a property of some
other page ... that can result in data moving into and out of the page
without Tapestry's normal lifecycle to initialize it and clean it out.
I'd look along those lines.

On Wed, Jan 26, 2011 at 3:21 AM, Pepijn Schmitz<capt...@chaos.demon.nl>  wrote:
No, not yet! :-(

Anyone else have any idea?

In short: my Page objects occasionally get the wrong application state
object injected by Tapestry 4.1!

I've been looking into it, but it's very hard to see what's going on with
all the synthetic classes created by Hivemind. But one clue I got by making
a heap dump and analysing it: all application state objects (of closed
sessions) were still in memory, with references from Page classes in a

I'm pretty sure the Page properties are supposed to be cleaned out at the
end of a request cycle, when the page is returned to the pool, but
apparently for some reason that is not happening! Is this a familiar problem
to anyone?

Kind regards,
Pepijn Schmitz

On 25-01-11 11:59, Koka Kiknadze wrote:
Did you find root of the problem? Just curious :)

Good luck

On Tue, Jan 11, 2011 at 11:00 PM, Pepijn


Thanks! But I don't think that's it. We're already using HTTPS, but also
that would not explain how the correct application state object can be on
the HttpSession, even though Tapestry injected the wrong one...

We are using Apache 2 using mod_proxy as a front-end though. Apache takes
care of the SSL and forwards the requests to Glassfish over HTTP. I'll
into the possibility that something is going wrong there, although it
unlikely due to the above reason...


On 11-01-11 19:04, Koka Kiknadze wrote:

I did have exactly similar problem couple of years ago - JSF app worked
from intranet, but messed up user sessions when accessed from WAN side.

So initial suspect was the squid proxy configuration of our ISP. The
disappeared as soon as we turned encryption on for the whole site (so
proxy could not mess things up). Well, as the performance was acceptable
even with HTTPS we just left everything as is.

Hence I'd suggest temporarily requiring HTTPS for the whole site and if
problem disappears, you'll know for sure it's not your application or
tapestry to be blamed.

Good luck.

On Tue, Jan 11, 2011 at 8:37 PM, Pepijn Schmitz<tapes...@chaos.demon.nl
  Hi everyone,
I'm having a bizarre problem with Tapestry, and I'm hoping someone here
might be able to point me to a solution. Before I go into detail I'd
describe the problem generally, in the hopes that it might be a known
problem or someone may have encountered something similar.

The problem is that Tapestry 4.1.6 sometimes injects the wrong
state object on my pages! As you can imagine, this plays havoc with my
application, with users seeing other users' details, or even worse,
other users' information! It's a support and security nightmare.

I'm using Tapestry 4.1.6, and I'm using annotations instead of XML
My pages all descend from a base class:

public abstract SupplierDNAPage extends BasePage {
    public abstract SupplierDnaSession getSupplierDnaSession();

    public abstract boolean getSupplierDnaSessionExists();


hivemodule.xml contains the following:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<module id="com.supplierdna" version="0.0.0">
<contribution configuration-id="tapestry.state.ApplicationObjects">
<state-object name="supplier-dna-session" scope="session">
<create-instance class="com.supplierdna.logic.SupplierDnaSession"/>

SupplierDNA is the name of the company I'm writing this for. As I
understand it, this is the correct way of using application state
And most of the time, it works perfectly. When testing locally I have
problems with wrong application state being injected, and our demo
also doesn't have the problem.

The problems seem to start when the server is heavily loaded. Then,
sometimes, getSupplierDnaSession() will return an application state
from a different session!!!

I have verified this by adding a pageBeginRender() listener method to
base class, and a client address property to the session. The listener
method checks whether the client address stored on the session it gets
Tapestry is the same as the client address from the current request,
throws an exception if this is not the case. On our production server,
happens dozens of times a day!

The method also directly retrieves the application state object from
HttpSession and compares it to the one it got from Tapestry, and it
out that the application state object on the HttpSession is the correct
but somehow Tapestry is injecting a different one! This seems to rule
the web container as being the culprit (which is Glassfish 2 update 2,
this case).

Obviously this is a complex problem with a potentially huge number of
contributing factors, but first I'd just like to know whether this
familiar to anyone? Is there a known problem with Tapestry which could
this? Has anyone ever experienced something similar? Many thanks in
for any help you can give me!

Kind regards,
Pepijn Schmitz

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