Perhaps, i have missing something, but i think you can, by setting the 
parameter InitializationPriority.LATE on your Javascript initialisation call :

        // Late, to overwrite other event handlers
"yourModalBoxBuilder", spec);

In this way, your handle has the priority and you'll be able stop the initial 
event fired by the actionlink (even if there is an ajax zone).

This is what is done by the Confirm modalBox mixin written by Howard into tapx 
project :

My 2 cents :-)

De : Josh Canfield []
Date d'envoi : jeudi 16 juin 2011 18:48
À : Tapestry users
Objet : Re: Mixin competes with Zone's event handler

> is there any way to manage to execute the Tapestry.ZoneManager's event
> handler only after user clicks Yes button on my mixin's Yes button?

No, I don't believe you can. As I recall it binds to click on the <a>
and events are executed in an undefined order.

The following link from the list describes doing exactly what you're
looking for.


On Thu, Jun 16, 2011 at 8:42 AM, Nicolas Barrera <> wrote:
> Hi T5 users!
> I got the following problem (I dsthink my mixin is competing with the Zone's
> javascript code when the actionLink I apply my mixing has also a t:zone),
> i 'm developing a confirmation dialog box Mixin... (using some cool modal
> window plugin)
> that is.., i got an ActionLink with t:mixin="confirmBox" attribute so when i
> click on it a dialog box appears with two buttons (Yes/No) if I click No the
> dialog box dissapears and
> the page remain the same (I 'm using prototype's Event.stop(e) here)
> If I click Yes, then the dialog box dissapears and the page should do what
> clicking in an ordinary eventLink would do.
> The problem arises when I apply my mixin to an actionLink which also has a
> zone associated to it, in this case the dialog box appears but rapidly
> dissapears and the zone is refreshed, first it seemed that
> the Event.stop(e) wasn't working but then,
> I realized that the actionLink had two listeners to the action link's
> onclick event:
> * My event handler
> * And the Tapestry.ZoneManager event handler where he does the ajax request
> and refreshes the zone
> is there any way to manage to execute the Tapestry.ZoneManager's event
> handler only after user clicks Yes button on my mixin's Yes button?
> cheers and thanks in advance!
> Nicolás.-

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