That is very ambitions but it would be awesome!My (and my coworker's) 
problem so far is having either too many componentsthat do the same thing, or 
not a single one.For example, Security, JPA integration, datepicker, and 
grid.The most important part of all of this for me is to have it googleable,or 
very easily found from the tapestry's home page,which, thanks to you is 
now the 'right' tapestry home page!On Jun 22, 2011, at 8:27 PM, Bob 
Harner wrote:I agree that the main need is for a registry, rather than 
arepository. Coincidentally over the last several days I have beenthinking 
about how a "component registry" app could work to solvethese sorts 
of code locator issues. It could include modules as well,but my focus here has 
been on components.There are currently at least 150 (!) Tapestry components and 
mixinsavailable out there (Tapestry-core components, collections 
likeChenilleKit, Equanda, Ioko, Lombok and TapX, blog posts like those and several MoinMoin wiki pages), but there isno master 
list of the components and mixins available across all themodules. The pages doprovide simple 
lists of modules, but there is no "component finder"tool 
anywhere.This is what I'm considering. Tell me what you think:* A 
database-driven web app using Tapestry and Apache Cayenne,Tapestry-security, 
Apache Shiro (hey, all Apache products)* A light, carefully-designed, 
AJAX-based, highly componentized UI.Definitely NOT something slapped together 
and half-baked, but reallyserious and complete.* Copy the CSS of the new 
Tapestry documentation site.* Would have, for each component, the name, brief 
description,license, Tapestry version compatibility, links to similar 
components(e.g. JumpStart's Textbox Hint mixin is similar to Lombok's 
Watermarkmixin), maybe a small screenshot, a link to the 
component'sdocumentation, and a link to the component's demo page, if 
any.* Searching, sorting and filtering. For example, be able to search 
for"editor" and find ChenelleKit's Editor and InPlaceEditor, as 
well asKenai's CKEditor and FCKEditor components. Or choose a specific 
moduleand list all of its components. Or list only mixins. Or onlycomponents 
with Apache 2.0 licenses.* Some sort of rating system reflecting the 
component's code quality,design, and freshness.* Anybody could submit a 
new component for consideration, but onlycertain designated people 
(committers?) could approve the listing.* Use Tapestry-security to manage 
authentication/authorization. Can wetie this to Apache's LDAP so that 
committers can use their existingaccounts?The goal would be to complement 
JumpStart and other resources, ratherthan competing with them. For example, for 
Tapestry's Palettecomponent, the demo link would go 
 Hosted somewhere at, perhaps in the Apache Jail likeHotel Booking 
(not sure of the implications there).* Source code in apache SVN.As a Tapestry 
app, it should be a very high quality public showcasefor the best that Tapestry 
can do.Anyway, that's my goal. I'm starting on it today. Any ideas?On 
Wed, Jun 22, 2011 at 1:47 PM, Lenny Primak <> 
wrote:Yes, this is the old question of keeping the ecosystem as pure as 
possible.I don't think it matters as much where it is hosted (apache 
etc)it could very well be hosted on github,but there should be only one place, 
one list, perhaps with subsections,and the voting idea is also a good one to 
get on that list,but it should be number one result in google :)On Jun 22, 
2011, at 1:37 PM, Howard Lewis Ship wrote:I would prefer two real centers.  For 
licensing reasons, much code cannot be hosted at Apache. In addition, my big 
concern is "dump-and-run"code (which we've even seen with 
Tapestry committers in the past). Wedon't want to be responsible for more 
code than we can 
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