There are some cases where Tapestry 5.3 performs more rigorous checks
than Tapestry 5.2

That's one improvement I'll definitely love.
Thank you :)

On Mon, Oct 31, 2011 at 8:05 PM, Howard Lewis Ship <> wrote:

> We are very pleased to announce the first release candidate preview of
> Tapestry 5.3.
> Tapestry 5.3 is significantly faster than Tapestry 5.2, and is more
> memory efficient ... a long with tons of significant new features,
> improvements, and bug fixes.
> Details here:
> This is still a preview release, but we encourage the Tapestry
> community to upgrade to this release. With positive feedback (and no
> show-stopping negative feedback) we should progress to a final release
> of 5.3 in a few weeks.
> For most users, the upgrade path is simply changing the version
> number, and performing a clean compile.
> Note that with each new release, we get a slew of panicked messages
> that Tapestry is broken in bizarre ways. These ALMOST ALWAYS turn out
> to be prior-release JARs still on the classpath, either in the
> developer's working directory, or in a servlet container deployment
> directory. Please carefully clean up your environment as part of the
> upgrade!
> There are some cases where Tapestry 5.3 performs more rigorous checks
> than Tapestry 5.2; for example, 5.3 ensures that event handler methods
> that reference a component id ("onSuccessFromLogin") correspond to an
> actual component ("login"); in Tapestry 5.2, this was not checked for,
> and the event handler method would never fire ... it likely has a typo
> in its name, or is related to a component that was removed from the
> template.  This particular check can be disabled:
> ..
> It would be wise to start up your application under 5.3, then use the
> new PageCatalog page (http://localhost:8080/pagecatalog) and click the
> "load all" link, to force all pages to be loaded. This will quickly
> identify any coding problems in your application.
> --
> Howard M. Lewis Ship
> Creator of Apache Tapestry
> The source for Tapestry training, mentoring and support. Contact me to
> learn how I can get you up and productive in Tapestry fast!
> (971) 678-5210
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*Muhammad Gelbana
Java Developer*

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