For what it's worth, I seem to be having the same problem.  I assumed it was 
something in my authentication filter redirecting the browser back to my Index 
page, until I happened to read this ( ) yesterday:

An issue with an application that has a root Index page is that any invalid 
path, which would normally generate a 404 error, is instead routed to the Index 
page (because the invalid path looks like page's activation context).

I see PageCatalog and ServiceStatus as well..

[INFO] TapestryModule.ComponentClassResolver Available pages (106):


On Nov 2, 2011, at 12:52 AM, Chris Collins wrote:

> Just to add to this (which I am sure points to the fact I am doing something 
> really stupid) I want to give a bit of a background and a validation (or an 
> attempt at a validation).
> My process embeds jetty and adds the tapestry filter through web.xml (but I 
> am not using a standard tomcat or jetty "runner").
> I have a few of my own T5 pages that render fine though they are pretty basic 
> (components and pages).
> just to take my code out of the equation I took recent project Barry Books 
> posted for twitter-bootstrap earlier this week.  I added to his little 
> project's web.xml:
>   <context-param>
>        <param-name>tapestry.production-mode</param-name>
>        <param-value>false</param-value>
>    </context-param>
> Then I tried the demo and this particular path:
> http://localhost:8080/tapestry-bootstrap/servicestatus
> not much exciting happened. 
> Thanks for your help and sorry this is probably described in large bold text 
> on some main page under "read this first" :-}
> Best
> C
> On Nov 1, 2011, at 9:24 PM, Chris Collins wrote:
>> PageCatalog: org.apache.tapestry5.corelib.pages.PageCatalog
>> PropertyDisplayBlocks: 
>> org.apache.tapestry5.corelib.pages.PropertyDisplayBlocks
>> PropertyEditBlocks: org.apache.tapestry5.corelib.pages.PropertyEditBlocks
>> ServiceStatus: org.apache.tapestry5.corelib.pages.ServiceStatus
>> package-info: org.apache.tapestry5.corelib.pages.package-info
>> dont know if all these are supposed to be addressable in a meaningful way.  
>> package-info blows a classformaterror
>> propertyeditblocks gives me "<div></div>"
>> propertydisplayblocks gives me a runtimeexception because a file coudlnt be 
>> found during render time
>> pagecatalog gives me a 404
>> servicestatus gives me a 404
>> On Nov 1, 2011, at 8:57 PM, Steve Eynon wrote:
>>> When you start up T5 it lists all the available page class files with
>>> their corresponding URLs, e.g:
>>> ComponentClassResolver - Available pages:
>>> ServiceStatus: org.apache.tapestry5.corelib.pages.ServiceStatus
>>> PageCatalog: org.apache.tapestry5.corelib.pages.PageCatalog
>>> Do you see the pages listed?
>>> Steve.
>>> On 2 November 2011 11:21, Chris Collins <> wrote:
>>>> I dont think that is the case.  I had already verified that exception 
>>>> reporting was working.
>>>> I programmatically set tapestry.production-mode=false in one of my 
>>>> AppModule's (I didnt do it via the web.xml):
>>>> ....
>>>> configuration.add(SymbolConstants.PRODUCTION_MODE, "false");
>>>> .....
>>>> I have a page I test to see if this property is set:
>>>>  @Inject
>>>>  @Symbol(SymbolConstants.PRODUCTION_MODE)
>>>>  @Property(write = false)
>>>>  private boolean productionMode;
>>>> .....
>>>> <t:if test="productionMode">
>>>>          <b>Production Mode</b>
>>>>          <p:else>
>>>>              <b>Not production mode still</b>
>>>>          </p:else>
>>>>      </t:if>
>>>> it says it is in production mode or not (it says not production mode).
>>>> Further I have in a test page something that forces the exception 
>>>> reporting:
>>>> void onActionFromFail ()
>>>>  {
>>>>      throw new RuntimeException("Failure inside action event handler.");
>>>>  }
>>>> It blows a lovely exception report page (I love it!!!!).
>>>> C
>>>> On Nov 1, 2011, at 4:26 PM, Howard Lewis Ship wrote:
>>>>> The pages are "invisible" when not in development mode, so the most
>>>>> likely case is that you are not actually running in development mode.
>>>>> On Tue, Nov 1, 2011 at 12:29 PM, Chris Collins
>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>> I am a novice at T5 so apologize for what is surely a stupid question.
>>>>>> I am trying out 5.3-rc-1.
>>>>>> I am trying to get either the pagecatalog or servicestatus pages such:
>>>>>> http://localhost:<myport>/<page>
>>>>> By default, the pages are only accessible from localhost.  This should
>>>>> work ... but possibly something else is going on. What is your dev
>>>>> environment (OS, etc.)?
>>>>>> I can render any of my pages but neither of these pages seem to be 
>>>>>> found.  I am running in developer mode.  Any clues on my stupidity?
>>>>> I'd phrase it as "Any idea what I'm missing."  There's a lot going on
>>>>> in Tapestry (almost, too much) , and in all the tiers of client web
>>>>> browser and HTTP between you and it, so don't jump to the conclusion
>>>>> that it's you ... or that it's Tapestry.
>>>>>> Best
>>>>>> C
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