Hi all!

@Cezary: I can just use a page link as an action is called on the server
side as follows:

void changeLocale(String language) {
persistentLocale.set(new Locale(language));

@Thiago: My only concern is about SEO optimization. Can you provide any
guideline about LinkTransformer usage? I read Igor's blog entry but I am
still not sure how to use the LinkTransformer for my specific use case...

Best regards,


2012/5/7 Thiago H. de Paula Figueiredo <thiag...@gmail.com>

> On Mon, 07 May 2012 12:50:16 -0300, Julien Martin <bal...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>  Hello,
> Hi!
>> 1. I have the following T5 action link:
>> *<t:actionlink page="ContactUs" context="literal:en"
>> hreflang="en">en</t:**actionlink>*
>> 2. Which translate into the following link:
>> *http://localhost:8080/ume-**web/fr/contactus.actionlink_1/**en*<http://localhost:8080/ume-web/fr/contactus.actionlink_1/en*>
>> 3. Which in turn, when clicked, displays the following URL:
>> *http://localhost:8080/ume-**web/en/contactus*<http://localhost:8080/ume-web/en/contactus*>
>> I am just wondering whether my action links could directly render as in 3.
>> i.e. avoid the not so pretty URLs such as : (*
>> http://localhost:8080/ume-web/**fr/contactus.actionlink_1/en*<http://localhost:8080/ume-web/fr/contactus.actionlink_1/en*>
>> )
>> Is that possible through URL rewriting? Perhaps using Igor Drobiazko's
>> rewrite module? Can anyone please provide guidelines?
> Event URLs are not supposed to be pretty because it never really remains
> in the browser address bar, as Tapestry does redirect-after-post.
> The answer to your question is yes, LinkTransformer can be used to rewrite
> these URLs, but I don't think you should worry about them, just about page
> ones.
> --
> Thiago H. de Paula Figueiredo
> Independent Java, Apache Tapestry 5 and Hibernate consultant, developer,
> and instructor
> Owner, Ars Machina Tecnologia da Informação Ltda.
> http://www.arsmachina.com.br

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