Thanks Igor.  I bought my printed copy from you this morning (before Howard 
closed the deal :-} ), its going to be great even without 5.4.  I think the 5.4 
will have some interesting things for you to write about regarding javacript 
that I would love to read.

Will there be a git repo for all the sample apps you will be demonstrating?

On Jul 30, 2012, at 11:25 PM, Igor Drobiazko <> wrote:

> Chris, the book won't become obsolete once 5.4 is released. The new release
> will be backward compatible with prior releases. :)
> My goal is to cover the most recent version of Tapestry available. Once I
> have finished the manuscript, I'll have a look at what needs to be updated.
> On Tue, Jul 31, 2012 at 7:28 AM, Chris Collins <> wrote:
>> Igor, whats the plan with the pending 5.4.  Will the final book
>> incorporate 5.4 or will the book be obsolete as soon as it hits my doormat?
>> I recall you mentioning about having the freedom to more easily provide
>> updates by not going with MEAP.
>> btw I purchased what seems like a long time ago the iPhone developer book
>> from MEAP and they have held back the final release for a while now because
>> they went back to their wordprocessor to revise for 5.0....err, hmm, now
>> 6.0 is nearly here :-}
>> C
>> On Jul 30, 2012, at 3:07 PM, Onno Scheffers <> wrote:
>>>> What about Indiegogo since this isnt kickstarter?
>>> I guessed it was the same: they'll only collect after the campaign is
>> over
>>> and the goal has been reached, since refunding probably introduces fees.
>>> But it seems I guessed wrong. I only just signed up with Indiegogo and
>>> after reading a bit more on the website it seems they do things
>> differently
>>> since they mention something about a refund to users if the goal hasn't
>>> been reached, which might mean they do charge the credit card
>> immediately.
>>> The campaigners can also choose to keep the money if the goal hasn't been
>>> reached, which is also different from Kickstarter.
>>> - Onno
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> Best regards,
> Igor Drobiazko

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