
Want to say thanks for the help from engineers... I am receiving output now on 
my gallery widget... and keepin pluggin away... looks promising.

I have tried to render raw markup in what one could call the page and perform 
property de-referencing or specify pojo and invoke method with dot notation.

I am trying to do some arithmetic... on the page or what could be called markup 

and I appear to be getting the expression I specified instead of the actual 
value or result of the arithmetic expression.

Here is a table row of my gallery header

<td colspan="0">
    <div style="font-weight:bold; text-align: center;">
        <t:outputRaw value="${cursor} + 1"/>
        <Label> to </Label>
        <t:if test="cursor">    
            <t:outputRaw value="${cursor} + min(collection.size,itemsPerPage) 
                <t:outputRaw value="${cursor} + 
min(collection.size,itemsPerPage) "/>
        <Label> of </Label>

all this table data element does is render something like...  "1 to 10 of 50"   
which seems like a typical metric for autopaging objects in a gallery.

And I am using arithmetic operations as specified above.

I know Thiago is going to slam me for not putting this in the JAVA module... 

Am I compelled to put this in the JAVA... ? or should arithmetic operations be 
supported in the page space for TAP-5 

Thanks for your confirmation.


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