On Fri, Oct 12, 2012 at 4:01 PM, Ken in Nashua <kcola...@live.com> wrote:

> Thanks Cezary,
> collection is an allocated collection housing a single hibernate entity.
> my login page comes up
> i get authenticated
> it launches the Home.ml and Layout.tml
> and my Gallery.tml gets rendered for the very first time
> I can see the hibernate entity on the screen... the photo is rendered as a
> single element in the Gallery.

It does not matter. You are confusing things. The fact that collections is
not null at some moment, does not prove that is not null at another. I
really suspect it is null during onLastPage event.  Only rendering runs
setupRender() which is only way tp set any value to collections field, but
your exception happens during event handling.


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