I wonder why the component Checkbox doesn't have the parameter validate like
most of the other fields.

I have the following security use case: Even when some fields are not
rendered to UI (or only rendered disabled) because the user doesn't have the
required permission/role, I need to make sure these fields don't get changed
through HTTP Post data manipulation.
A new validator checking the permissions works fine for fields with validate
(for instance a TextField). However, the Checkbox can't be validated.

I think the parameter validate would also be useful for any other
unpredictable reasons.

There was a related topic in 2008:

In T5 the fields RadioGroup and Palette were extended with this parameter:

Although I managed to solve the scenario the next way, with validate it
would be much simpler.
1) New validatable Checkbox
 * Checkbox with validate parameter. (/Note:/ {@link
org.apache.tapestry5.corelib.components.Checkbox} components
 * can not be validated.)
 * @author ferengra
public class ValidatableCheckbox extends AbstractTextField

    private Request request;

    private ValidationTracker tracker;

    protected void writeFieldTag(MarkupWriter writer, String value)
        writer.element("input", "type", "checkbox",
            "name", getControlName(),
            "id", getClientId(),
            "checked", Boolean.parseBoolean(value) ? "checked" : null);

    final void afterRender(MarkupWriter writer)
        writer.end(); // input

    protected void processSubmission(String controlName)
        String postedValue = request.getParameter(controlName);
        // Record as "true" or "false"
        tracker.recordInput(this, Boolean.toString(postedValue != null));

2) Add a new translator.
 * Performs boolean translation between server-side and client-side
 * @author ferengra
public class BooleanTranslator extends AbstractTranslator<Boolean>

     * Constructor.
    public BooleanTranslator()
        super("boolean", Boolean.class, "a-boolean-is-a-boolean");

    public void render(Field field, String message, MarkupWriter writer,
FormSupport formSupport)
        // Does nothing

    public Boolean parseClient(Field field, String clientValue, String
        return "on".equalsIgnoreCase(clientValue) ||

    public String toClient(Boolean value)
        return String.valueOf(value);

3) Add a null field strategy for handling the unchecked checkbox value
 * Treats nulls to or from the client as if they were false.
 * @author ferengra
public class FalseNullFieldStrategy implements NullFieldStrategy

    public Object replaceToClient()
        return Boolean.FALSE;

    public String replaceFromClient()
        return Boolean.FALSE.toString();

4) Contribute the above two.
    public void contributeTranslatorSource(MappedConfiguration<Class,
Translator&lt;?>> translator)
        translator.add(Boolean.class, new BooleanTranslator());

    public static void
NullFieldStrategy> configuration)
        configuration.add("false", new FalseNullFieldStrategy());

5) Add the new checkbox with validation and null field strategy.
    @Component(parameters = {"value=dto.valueBoolean"
        "validate=permission=PERMISSION_UPDATE", "nulls=false"})
    private ValidatableCheckbox valueBoolean;

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