.. and then if you have a combination of potential mixins, you end up with n * blocks, with n * fields.

Thanks for the solution Robert, and I can appreciate that this is bumping the limitations of the framework but the situation is not ideal.

I'm looking at a case now which is going to end up very complicated.

thx, paul.

On 10/03/2012 3:11 AM, Robert Zeigler wrote:
Hi Brian,

This is a case of "static structure, dynamic behavior". Tapestry needs to know 
the mixin at page/component creation time, rather than at runtime.
This "early binding", if you will, let's tapestry do a lot of optimizations and 
enables behavior that would be otherwise cost-prohibitive (eg: I can't think of a 
reasonable way to implement @BindParameter if runtime-mixin selection was allowed).

Here's a potential workaround:

<t:block id="fee">
   <t:label t:for="residentFeeInquiryWithFeeMixin"/>
   <t:select t:id="residentFeeInquiryWithFeeMixin" t:mixins="feefromresidentupdater" 
clientId="residentFeeInquiry" .../>

<t:block id="singlesource">
   <t:label t:for="residentFeeInquiryWithSSMixin"/>
   <t:select t:id="residentFeeInquiryWithSSMixin" t:mixins="singlesourceformfieldupdater" 
clientId="residentFeeInquiry" .../>

<t:delegate to="prop:mixinBlock"/>


private Block fee;
private Block singlesource;

public Block getMixinBlock() {
   if (getContainer() instanceof SendMoneyTransfer)
     return fee;
   return singlesource;



On Mar 9, 2012, at 3/910:00 AM , Brian Long wrote:

Hi all,

have a problem that seems easy to resolve but I'm making hard work of
it, was hoping someone here can help me out. I have a simple component
I want to use on different pages in my application, and there's a
mixin associated with the select component in this simple component,
but I want to use a different mixin depending on which type of page
the component is located.

so I have in my component.tml

                <t:label t:for="residentFeeInquiry" id="resident-label"/>
                <t:select t:id="residentFeeInquiry"
t:validate="required" t:value="residentFeeInquiry"
t:model="senderHasIdSelectModel" t:encoder="senderHasIdValueEncoder"
t:blankLabel="message:PLEASE_SELECT" t:label="message:RESIDENT"

and in my component.java

    public String getMixin() {
        if (getContainer() instanceof SendMoneyTransfer) {
                return "feefromresidentupdater";
        return "singlesourceformfieldupdater";

getting "Unable to resolve 'mixin' to a mixin class name". Have tried
prop:mixin, ${mixin}, ${prop:mixin} etc. to no avail, would like to
avoid having multiple select components with different mixins and an
if else(s) if possible?

Thanks for listening! Brian.

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