Thanks Thiago, I'm sure I'll get one of your ideas to work for me!

posting on the list for prosperity.

On 7/11/2012 1:02 PM, Thiago H de Paula Figueiredo wrote:
On Tue, 06 Nov 2012 23:26:25 -0200, Paul Stanton <> wrote:

On 7/11/2012 11:49 AM, Thiago H de Paula Figueiredo wrote:
On Tue, 06 Nov 2012 22:41:17 -0200, Paul Stanton <> wrote:

.. and then if you have a combination of potential mixins, you end up with n * blocks, with n * fields.

Why don't you have a single mixin implementation that has the logic to handle all the situations? Maybe delegating method calls to other mixins?

Hey Thiago, that sounds like a good idea! How can I delegate to other mixins though?

Just regular, ordinary Java method delegation. The über-mixin would instantiate the normal mixins directly. Your über-mixin's setupRender() method invoking your regular mixins setupRender() methods directly. I guess you'll probably need to define a common interface for them all.

Summary: just think of the problem in another way: if you can't have dynamic mixins, have a mixin dynamic enough to handle what you need. In other words, move the dynamic part to where doing dynamic stuff is easier.

You could also apply all mixins in all fields and having the mixins somehow check whether they should actually do stuff or not depending on the component it was applied. @InjectContainer is your friend here.

Another possible solution could be writing one or more ComponentClassTransformWorker2 implementations, which would analyze each component instance and apply or not the mixin. For that, take a look at the source of MixinWorker for some inspiration. On the other hand, this is only run when the pages are assembled, so you cannot control when the mixins are applied or not during rendering.

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