Thanks Taha, this worked like a charm! :)

Date: Fri, 10 May 2013 04:47:27 -0700
Subject: Re: Tapestry5.3 misconfiguration with exanpe component HideablePanel

        Remember to include

xmlns:p='tapestry:parameter' in the root tag.





On May 10, 2013, at 4:35 PM, Nomer Nominus wrote:


> I forgot to mention, but I have tried the

> same, and the result was the same, failure with an error "Parameter(s) 

> 'hideable, visible' are required for 

> fr.exanpe.t5.lib.components.HideablePanel, but have not been bound". 

> Date: Mon, 6 May 2013 19:10:24 -0700

> From: [hidden email]

> To: [hidden email]

> Subject: Re: Tapestry5.3 misconfiguration with exanpe component HideablePanel




>       Try 



> <p:hideable>


> </p:hideable>




> On 07-May-2013, at 5:59 AM, Nomer Nominus <[hidden email]> wrote:



>> I have Tap5.3. and tapestry-related library exanpe in my web application. 
>> The thing is that Hideable panel component is badly configured, since 
>> parameter is deprecated in 5.3 in the favor of tapestry:parameter namespace, 
>> however exanpe lib is unable to recognize that namespace and constantly 
>> gives me parameters not bound error. So for instance, if I don't put 
>> xlmns:p="tapestry-parameter" in the header file, and denote it as 


>> <t:parameter name="hideable>


>> </t:parameter>


>> <t:parameter name="visible">


>> </t:parameter>


>> it writes error "The <parameter> element has been deprecated in Tapestry 5.3 
>> in favour of 'tapestry:parameter' namespace.", on the other hand if I use 
>> xlmns:p="tapestry-parameter", and call it as follows in the code 


>> <p name="hideable>


>> </p>


>> <p name="visible">


>> </p>


>> it denotes as following "Parameter(s) 'hideable, visible' are required for 
>> fr.exanpe.t5.lib.components.HideablePanel, but have not been bound." Any 
>> help about solving this issue would be grateful. Thanks in advance. 





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