On Wed, May 15, 2013 at 10:23 PM, hantsy <han...@yahoo.com.cn> wrote:

> Tapestry should embrace the existed and mature specs, such JSR330, Bean
> Validation, Managed Bean, etc, Spring has supported them in 3.0 natively.

I don't really agree with this logic.  It leaves no room for innovation.
 Everyone would just use the same computer and operating system (a VT100
terminal connected to a minicomputer?), drive the same car, etc.  There
would be no tolerance for experimentation and new ideas that challenge the

I use Tapestry and other tools because of the benefits they provide to me
and others, not because they conform to a manager's checklist.  For me
personally, the 'standards' have never appealed to me because they always
seem ungainly and more difficult to use.  If 'standards' work better for
you, that's great, but I'm glad there are alternatives to help me get my
work done and I'm glad Tapestry continues to evolve and improve.  I'm
really looking forward to some of the changes in 5.4.



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