Hey Joakim...

I tried your suggestion... and it worked.

I actually created an interface with a host of default methods that I am 
forcing down the hierarchy... one of which is displayableName.

And I made it past the tapestry code...

            final PropertyAdapter propertyAdapter = 

            final ValueEncoder encoder = 

propertyAdapter is not null anymore... and so I am able to get my encoder 
successfully now.

Thanks a bunch...

- ciao


public interface IAbstractEntity {
    @PropertyDescriptor(nonVisual = true, searchable = false)
    public Long getCreated();

    @PropertyDescriptor(nonVisual = true, searchable = false)
    public Long getAccessed();

    @PropertyDescriptor(nonVisual = true, searchable = false)
    public void setCreated(Long created);

    @PropertyDescriptor(nonVisual = true, searchable = false)
    public void setAccessed(Long accessed);

    @PropertyDescriptor(nonVisual = true, searchable = false)
    public String getCreatedAsString();

    @PropertyDescriptor(nonVisual = true, searchable = false)
    public String getAccessedAsString();

    @PropertyDescriptor(nonVisual = true, searchable = false)
    public void setCreatedAsString(String value) throws Exception;

    @PropertyDescriptor(nonVisual = true, searchable = false)
    public void setAccessedAsString(String value) throws Exception;

    public String getDisplayableName();

    public void setDisplayableName(String displayableName);

    public int hashCode();

    public boolean equals(Object obj);

    public String toString();


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