
I'm using a FormFragment triggered by two Radio's in a RadioGroup. This all
works fine and validation works as expected. The hidden Fragment is ignored
when the form is submitted. Except for one situation:

when I load the Form and containing FormFragment's in a Zone and use the
visible attribute on the FormFragment to hide one of them due to a
preselected Radio, the server will validate the fields in the Hidden
FormFragment as well. If I select the Radio's back and forth it works as
expected. When debugging I noticed the ProcessSubmission ComponentActions
are executed where they are not when the formfragment is ignored as
expected. Also the t:formdate is longer in my failing case as opposed to
the scenario where it ignores my hidden fields. This leads me to believe
there is some sort of javascript initialization call not being called in my
failing case.

Has anyone seen this before? And clues on how to solve it? I'm on Tap 5.3.6


some of my code:

@Component(id = "paymentTypeRadioGroup", parameters = {"value=paymentType",



private RadioGroup paymentTypeRadioGroup;


@Component(id = "payByCreditCardRadio", parameters = {



private Radio payByCreditCardRadio;


@Component(id = "payByInvoiceRadio", parameters = {



private Radio payByInvoiceRadio;

  @Component(id = "creditCardBlock", parameters = {



private FormFragment creditCardBlock;

 @Component(id = "manualInvoiceBlock", parameters = {



private FormFragment manualInvoiceBlock;

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