
Thanks for your help. Our mails must have crossed :)

isDeepVisible() does indeed seem to be setting the disabled attribute of the 
hidden form field! I did read the docs here but in all honesty they still don't 
make a lot of sense to me. I'll have a play with it as it sure sounds a bit 
more elegant than my solution in my previous mail :)

Thanks for your help,

On Jul 11, 2013, at 10:45 PM, Yunhua Sang wrote:

> I have the similar problem; I thinks it's because the FormFragment renders
> a hidden element, when the zone gets refreshed, the hidden element's
> disable property is set to be true, which is invalid, then the elements
> within the FromFragment get submitted  I guess it's related to
> isDeepVisible() Javascript function. Please correct me if I am wrong.
> Probably you could specify the visibleBound property of the FormFragment,
> to override the default behavior.
> On Thu, Jul 11, 2013 at 7:16 AM, Joost Schouten (ml)
> <joost...@jsportal.com>wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm using a FormFragment triggered by two Radio's in a RadioGroup. This all
>> works fine and validation works as expected. The hidden Fragment is ignored
>> when the form is submitted. Except for one situation:
>> when I load the Form and containing FormFragment's in a Zone and use the
>> visible attribute on the FormFragment to hide one of them due to a
>> preselected Radio, the server will validate the fields in the Hidden
>> FormFragment as well. If I select the Radio's back and forth it works as
>> expected. When debugging I noticed the ProcessSubmission ComponentActions
>> are executed where they are not when the formfragment is ignored as
>> expected. Also the t:formdate is longer in my failing case as opposed to
>> the scenario where it ignores my hidden fields. This leads me to believe
>> there is some sort of javascript initialization call not being called in my
>> failing case.
>> Has anyone seen this before? And clues on how to solve it? I'm on Tap 5.3.6
>> Thanks,
>> Joost
>> some of my code:
>> @Component(id = "paymentTypeRadioGroup", parameters = {"value=paymentType",
>> "label=message:components.entities.EntitiesCreditCard.payByTypeLabel",
>> "validate=required"})
>> private RadioGroup paymentTypeRadioGroup;
>>  @Mixins("TriggerFragment")
>> @Component(id = "payByCreditCardRadio", parameters = {
>> "value=literal:CREDIT_CARD",
>> "label=message:components.entities.EntitiesCreditCard.payByCreditCard",
>> "fragment=creditCardBlock"})
>> private Radio payByCreditCardRadio;
>> @Mixins("TriggerFragment")
>> @Component(id = "payByInvoiceRadio", parameters = {
>> "value=literal:MANUAL_INVOICE",
>> "label=message:components.entities.EntitiesCreditCard.payByInvoice",
>> "fragment=manualInvoiceBlock"})
>> private Radio payByInvoiceRadio;
>>  @Component(id = "creditCardBlock", parameters = {
>> "visible=prop:showCreditCardBlock",
>> "alwaysSubmit=literal:false"})
>> private FormFragment creditCardBlock;
>> @Component(id = "manualInvoiceBlock", parameters = {
>> "visible=prop:showManualInvoiceBlock",
>> "alwaysSubmit=literal:false"})
>> private FormFragment manualInvoiceBlock;

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