
If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery then T5-IoC has been paid a
huge compliment...

...there's an IoC in the language Fantom that bears a striking resemblance
to T5-IoC!

afIoc - http://repo.status302.com/doc/afIoc/#overview

I've been an avid fan of Tapestry since v3, and with the advent of T5 I've
learnt to adore T5-IoC - the foundation of all my apps (both desktop and
web). So much so, as I'm now (slowly) moving away from Java, I couldn't
bear to leave it behind.

As my new language of choice, Fantom http://fantom.org/ , didn't have an
IoC, I took it upon myself to implement one in the image of T5-IoC,
bringing with it all the goodness T5-IoC provides!

I realise this post is slightly off topic, but I wanted to give
acknowledgement and thanks to all those inspiring T5-IoC developers, your
ideas are awesome! So, err, thanks!

Um, I'll get my coat...


Oh, for those who don't know Fantom, a reasonable quick overview is given

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