After some debugging, I've found that when a zone update is initiated all browsers call the 'onAction' function associated with the clicked action or event link. However, only IE9 and IE10 proceed to call 'setupRender' and do a full page refresh, resetting the entire page.

This is why the null check fixed my earlier problem, but the issue is still occurring in code that is more complicated. Any ideas on why 'setupRender' is being called each time an action/event link is clicked?

On 8/28/2013 3:52 PM, Jonathan Martin wrote:
* Although I fixed my original issue, I'm getting the same exception elsewhere. Every case I find this error occurring, it involves an actionlink trying to do a zone update. It is my understanding that this invokes an AJAX request and, for some reason I have not found yet, only IE9 and IE10 throw an exception.

* Is there any Tapestry documentation or related issues regarding the error "Page must be specified before initializing for partial page render"? My searches have come up nil and I'm curious what other people have done to fix this.

* "a component inside a zone declared in the parent page or component"
Could you elaborate on this in regards to how this may cause the exception to occur?

On 8/21/2013 10:27 PM, Geoff Callender wrote:
Are you sure that's what was happening - how is it IE-related?

If the zone to update is *inside* the page or component that has a
setupRender(), then setupRender() *will not be called* during handling of
an Ajax event request (see

So I'd guess that either you have a component inside a zone declared in the
parent page or component, or the request is not Ajax.

On 22 August 2013 01:18, Jonathan Martin <> wrote:

I figured out what was happening. I was using the 'setupRender' method to
set the default value for the enumeration, like this:
     void setupRender() {
         _selectedBlockEnum = StoreFrontBlocks.HOME;

I didn't realize until now that this method is called after an 'onAction'
method, effectively overwriting the value set in the 'onAction' method.
Therefore I changed 'setupRender' to this:
     void setupRender() {
         if (_selectedBlockEnum == null) {
             _selectedBlockEnum = StoreFrontBlocks.HOME;

-Jonathan Martin

On 8/19/2013 4:15 PM, Thiago H de Paula Figueiredo wrote:

On Mon, 19 Aug 2013 16:15:47 -0300, Jonathan Martin <>

  Tapestry version 5.3.6
Hmm, it should have an up-to-date version. Have you checked the browser
error console for JavaScript errors?

On 8/19/2013 2:22 PM, Thiago H de Paula Figueiredo wrote:


Whch Tapestry version? Old ones use an old version of Prototype that
didn't support IE9 and IE10 yet. Your code and template look ok.

On Mon, 19 Aug 2013 12:07:25 -0300, Jonathan Martin <>

I'm having issues with the zone refresh from an AJAX request in
Internet Explorer 9 and 10 (it works fine in IE8, firefox, and chrome). I will click on the link and the new content will appear in the zone for
about a half-second, then revert back to the original content.
Request.isXHR() is returning false, indicating that a non-AJAX request is occurring, which should not be the case. Is there a way to fix what I have or do these versions of Internet Explorer require a different approach to updating a zone and/or AJAX requests? I've included the relevant tml and
java code below. Thanks in advance.

-Jonathan Martin

*** tml file ***
    <a t:type="actionlink" t:id="showAbout" zone="storefrontZone">

<a t:type="actionlink" t:id="showTechPapers" zone="storefrontZone">
      Papers and Presentations

<t:zone t:id="storefrontZone" t:update="show">
    <t:delegate to="selectedBlock" />
    <t:block t:id="aboutBlock">
      <span t:id="about" />
    <t:block t:id="techPapersBlock">
      <span t:id="techPapers" />
*** end of tml ***

*** java file ***
private Block _aboutBlock;

private Block _techPapersBlock;

private StoreFrontBlocks _selectedBlockEnum;

void setupRender(){
      _selectedBlockEnum = StoreFrontBlocks.ABOUT;

public Object getSelectedBlock() {
      Object result = null;
      switch (_selectedBlockEnum) {
      case ABOUT:
          result = _aboutBlock;
      case TECH_PAPERS:
          result = _techPapersBlock;
      return result;

Object onActionFromShowAbout() {
      _selectedBlockEnum = StoreFrontBlocks.ABOUT;
      return _request.isXHR() ? _storefrontZone.getBody() : null;

Object onActionFromShowTechPapers() {
      _selectedBlockEnum = StoreFrontBlocks.TECH_PAPERS;
      return _request.isXHR() ? _storefrontZone.getBody() : null;

private enum StoreFrontBlocks {
*** end of java ***

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