For Tapestry 5.4, the location in the classpath you put assets may have changed, but everything else didn't, so I see no reason for what you describe not working. This isn't any different from what happens in tapestry-security, for example. It includes pages, components, etc.

As long there's a WAR with a web.xml in the end, you can package the customer-specific parts as Tapestry component libraries in JARs and it'll work. The only difference between a WAR project (with a web.xml) and a JAR one (without) is that in the WAR project the component library containing your classes is added automatically, while in the JAR you need to do it through MANIFEST.MF entry or @SubModule.

On Tue, 24 Sep 2013 00:17:51 -0300, Daniel Jue <> wrote:

Hi, I was reading over this older blog link

now that I have to architect our app to work for other customers. We want
to keep the core parts together and refactor out the customer specific
parts to their own JARs, which can then be added into a WAR file.

I'm still in the middle of changing the code, but...

1) I'm assuming this is still the way to roll out customer specific WARs
when you have a core set of pages/services. (The customer specific portion
becomes a JAR with a module that is discovered by the core WAR file you

2) For some of my customers I have REST resources using Tynamo+RESTEasy,
and I also have static HTML+JS+CSS files that are customer specific, which
talk to those REST resources.  How/where should I package those in my JAR
file, so that they'll end up in the right place in one big, exploded WAR
file?  It would be easiest if those HTML+JS+CSS files are just served up
instead of being converted to TML files, because the developer in charge of
those files doesn't want to adopt anything new.

Can I just lay out my customer specific maven module in the same way as a
normal T5 App, but package it as a JAR and without any web.xml (since it
would use the core app's T5 ServletFilter)

I'm using Tomcat, if that matters--hopefully it doesn't.

Thiago H. de Paula Figueiredo

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