I'm still not convinced this is a bug in tapestry... it might be but
there's still some suspect areas in your code.

1. In hibernate, Phone has-a Person (@ManyToOne) and Person has Phones(s)
(@OneToMany) but you seem to be manipulating both:

    void onRemoveRow(Phone phone) {

I'm thinking you should manipulate one and get the other from hibernate.

2. This whole @Transient temp id -System.nanoTime() thingy. Why is this
It looks like you've let your UI implementation creep into your model.
Always a bad idea ;)

3. PhoneTypes doesn't relate to Person... these look like globals.
I'd really advise against initializing them in your page.
Looks more like a @Startup job or at least a synchronized method on a

On 22 November 2013 20:50, George Christman <gchrist...@cardaddy.com> wrote:

> Your on :) you can just paypal me haha.
> Well the value encoder doesn't appear to be the issue. :( I can completely
> remove the encoder parameter from the component and refresh the page and it
> will still hold on to the wrong result despite the correct select option
> being selected in the select menu. I tried clearing my browser cache as
> well, no change. Should I file a bug report with JIRA?
> On Fri, Nov 22, 2013 at 3:24 PM, Lance Java <lance.j...@googlemail.com
> >wrote:
> > As I said... I haven't taken the time to fully understand the code.
> >
> > That being said, I'd be willing to bet you a fiver that it's causing the
> > issue
> > :)
> >
> --
> George Christman
> www.CarDaddy.com
> P.O. Box 735
> Johnstown, New York

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