On Mon, Feb 24, 2014 at 11:44 PM, Lidija Dolinar <lidija....@gmail.com>wrote:

> I tried "Remember Me" functionality here:
> http://tynamo-federatedaccounts.tynamo.org/ (live demo webapp) but the
> user
> isn't remembered.
> When I check the "Remember Me" checkbox and login, the cookie "rememberMe"
> is created. After I close the browser and reopen it again I'm not logged
> in. Am I missing something here?

Shiro makes a strong separation between remembered and authenticated use
cases. It depends on your security settings whether you want to allow
remembered only users. The built-in Shiro rememberMe cookie is in not
secure. I've written about the topic several times. RollingTokenRealm (at
the end of http://tynamo.org/tynamo-federatedaccounts+guide) was born out
of the need to support a (more) secure rememberMe use case. (And to Lenny,
no, productionMode does not effect this functionality in any way).

> I'm struggling with the creation of the "rememberMe" cookie. This is my
> Login.java:
> public Object onActionFromJsecLoginForm() {
>     Subject currentUser = securityService.getSubject();
>     if (currentUser == null) {
> throw new IllegalStateException("Subject can`t be null");
>     }
>   UsernamePasswordToken token = new UsernamePasswordToken(jsecLogin,
> jsecPassword);
>     token.setRememberMe(true);
>     try {
>   currentUser.login(token);
>     }
>     ...
> }
> However, the cookie "rememberMe" isn't created :-/. What am I missing?

Are you sure the cookie isn't created or it just doesn't work the way you
expected? I.e. user is not logged in.


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