Hello again,

Adding @Import(library = "context:js/carousel.js") to my Layout.java  seems
to have loaded up after jquery down the bottom of the page - which is what
I was after (rather than within the template's head tag).

My carousel still doesn't work.  Being late in the evening, I will tidy up
my code in the morning and post a link/example.


On Sat, Apr 26, 2014 at 11:50 PM, Chris Mylonas <ch...@opencsta.org> wrote:

> Hi Tapestry Users,
> I'm porting one of the default bootstrap themes as a T5.4 exercise.
> Looking at the rendered page source, jquery gets added at the end of the
> page with 5.4. I think this is making my js script for document.ready in
> the head not being executed.  Firebug is telling me there is no reference
> to $
> How do I get jquery.js loading at the top of the page?  I presume this
> will get my carousel to work.
> Cheers
> Chris

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