
I believe that I am doing something wrong but just wanted to confirm if
that is the case.

I have a component that I pass in the loop.

<t:Edit t:id="image" t:value="projectImage" t:context="currentProject"
edittype="imageupload" />

Inside that I component I have a a zone and ajaxUpload component (from
jquery but I dont think that plays any role here)

Now the idea is that once someone uploads an image we refresh the zone,
however I cant seem to trigger the refresh for the correct zone due to the
loop iteration. I have tried to create a property

    @Property(read = false)
    private String zoneImageUploadId;

    public String getZoneImageUploadId() {
        if (zoneImageUploadId == null)
            zoneImageUploadId =
        return zoneImageUploadId;

however it is as if the Persist anotation forces the zoneImageUploadId to
be shared in all of the loop iterations so they all get the same (first)
client id.

Any idea if I am doing something wrong or is this expected behaviour and I
should pass the zone id as a parameter from outside of the component?


*Boris Horvat*

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