I cannot use Element.raw(String) because although it returns an Element, the 
node it creates is a Raw node, not an Element node; the Element it returns is 
just the parent of the new Raw.

My situation is that I have an Element which contains a child Element, and I 
want to either replace the child Element with a new Element having different 
text, or just change the text of that child Element.

F.ex., I have these two Elements

<div id="parent"> <div> I'm the OLD child Element </div> </div>

and I want to turn that into

<div id="parent"> <div> I'm the NEW child Element </div> </div>

where the parent div and the child div are both Element-s before and after, 
instead of being both Element-s before and then becoming an Element containing 
a Raw.

So I still would like to know if it's possible to set the text of an Element 
(either an existing Element or one I create).

I have been thinking that maybe Element-s don't let you set the text because 
they are just not supposed to contain text and if you want a node with text you 
should use another subclass of Node, like Text or Raw.
But this doesn't seem to be the case, because the nodes I get from Tapestry are 
definitely two Elements, parent and child, and the child does contain text, 
exactly like my example above.

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