Hi Tapestry Noobs of the future!

...that come across this problem,use onPassivate to keep your app working

I had the pleasure of using my software in a field trial (nothing exciting,
equipment tracking in a data centre) and made a few adjustments to quicken
my task though the night although forgot about onPassivate.

So where I dev'd for 15 hours for a functional field test, I gave myself a
usability conundrum for a few hours in the weeeee-small hours by not being
able to sort within a context.  (The irony is I was too proud to hook up
the Internet to save wifi on my laptop - data centre is full of both
internet and power!)  - So the last half a dozen cables I couldn't
trace....well there's room for another field trial!

void onActivate(Long id) {  store it here....use to get your data in
setupRender() };
Long onPassivate() { return your-passed-in-parameter-usually-Long };

Happy deving!

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