Your absolutely correct, context URLs are much better for SEO than request
parameters. I tend to use both at the same time, example
domain/category?make=ford, category being the context. I think what you've
done is a cool idea, however with the amount of filters that we will end up
having, it would get real messy when they are mostly all null. It would end
up looking something like this.$N/$N/$N/$N/$N/$N/$N/$N/$N/$N/brown

Some of the newer stuff I have planned will look something like this.

used-cars = context param
2011-toyota-corolla-le-albany-ny-12205-4978 = context param
12095 = zipcode
4978 = db pk for the year make model trim combo.

We are already doing something similar on a smaller scale here.

On Thu, Aug 28, 2014 at 2:14 PM, Lance Java <>

> > I believe you were the one who use push me away from @Persist
> Lol... sounds like me :)
> I'm no SEO guru but I think keywords in the URL score better than request
> parameters. You might be interested in this recent feature I added to
> @PageActivationContext

George Christman
P.O. Box 735
Johnstown, New York

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