Like most of you, I've mucked around with web-dev using php and very recently nodejs to experiment with newer technologies along with random tapestry endeavours - and there is certainly no silver bullet. That's "development"!

We start planning for it before it's released!!

Stats are stats and you can read what you want into them, but IE8 has low public usage/market-share - corporate environments excluded i suppose.

At some point, there'll be some kind of feature freeze in tapestry-5.4 development - which I would presume is now at major version 3 for bootstrap. There is a facility to use your own bootstrap stack by configuration and using version 3.2.0 versus 3.3.1 is up to the dev.
configuration.add(SymbolConstants.BOOTSTRAP_ROOT, "META-INF/assets/bootstrap");

The mailing list link refers to 14 components that rely on bootstrap css - perhaps a JIRA should be started with guidelines for the community to work on the porting v4 stuff. It can't be expected that HLS would do it single handedly. The 5.3 tapestry-bootstrap dude trsvax makes these suggestions looking forward:

1. Components should have no framework specific html elements and no css
2. I would make a data attribute called data-tapestry-type contain the
Tapestry component type.
3. Attach a mixin to all components that calls a service to add the
framework specific markup
4. Create a strategy service so various framework markups can be supported.
5. Each framework strategy service is a pipeline that takes a markup writer
and modifies the DOM as needed.
6. Create a property to define the default framework.

How about using message-catalog for css class names using the bootstrap version, e.g.

Rather than delving into tapestry's code, it's nearly bash scriptable for search and replace >> append new version class names, no code changes.

The creation of point (4) would allow for markdown to be used within tapestry I guess as yes, quite forward thinking.

I think getting the javascript stuff done for 5.4 has been a monumental effort!!

The end.

On Fri, 12 Dec 2014 08:35:53 +1100, Bob Harner <> wrote:

The bootstrap compatibility issue has been discussed before (e.g.,
to which you commented) but I don't think anything ever got beyond the
talk phase. Everybody agrees that Tapestry should (and does) work
really well with bootstrap, but I wish the mechanism were abstracted
enough (e.g. with template skinning) that users could choose which
version to use (or none).

On Thu, Dec 11, 2014 at 1:38 PM, Barry Books <> wrote:
I noticed 5.4 upgraded to Bootstrap 3.3.1 last month so I headed over the Bootstrap blog to see what’s in the new version. Along with info about the release there are comments about the upcoming 4.0 release. There’s not much
info and no schedule but from past experience I would expect a Summer
release and little to no backward compatibility. It also states V3 will
only be maintained for a few months after 4.X ships.

I’m curious about how this will affect 5.4. From the brief description it appears V4 will require Tapestry component changes. It also drops support
for IE8. Will/should 5.4 switch to 4.X when it comes out?

For me if the changes are about the same as 2.X to 3.X I would expect a
couple weeks work to make the required changes and some differences in the look and feel. I’m OK with that but the lack of IE 8 support has me a bit worried. Microsoft appears to be dropping IE 8 at the beginning of 2016 so
that would mean I’m about 6 months ahead of that.

Related to this does it make sense to switch to jQuery 2.X if the default
styles do not support IE8?

I think I’m OK with giving up on IE8 but I’ll like to see IE 8 render a
Bootstrap 4.X site before I really decide.

What do you think?

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