
I don't know if there is an issue with the GA, but you are relying on
introspection to find your bean properties; that is asking for trouble IMO.

Always use property whitelisting to achieve a stable set of properties for
your grids. Basically make sure to "include" the properties you want to
show. (If you are not using include, a number of things can go wrong like:
the Degree class may evolved, the hibernate stuff may have added extra
runtime properties that the introspector is picking up, the JDK version may
have changed which means that the introspector behavior may have changed,
new data type analyzers may have been added etc.)


On Mon, Dec 14, 2015 at 2:31 AM, Vangel V. Ajanovski <ajanov...@gmail.com>

> When adding a new column to a grid like this:
>         <t:grid t:source="degrees" t:row="degree" t:add="delete">
>             <p:deleteCell>
>                     delete
>             </p:deleteCell>
>         </t:grid>
> I am getting an
> org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.internal.OperationException
> Render queue error in CleanupRender[admin/DegreeList:grid]: Bean editor
> model for mk.ukim.finki.isis.dossier.entities.Degree already contains a
> property model for property 'delete'.
> The error occurs on 5.4-rc-1, but not on 5.4-beta-26.
> The same piece of code has been working without such a problem with
> previous versions for the last 3 years at least.
> Java:
> openjdk version "1.8.0_66"
> OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_66-b17)
> OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.66-b17, mixed mode)
> Source where problem occurs:
> https://develop.finki.ukim.mk/projects/isis/browser/trunk/src/main/resources/mk/ukim/finki/isis/dossier/pages/admin/DegreeList.tml
> https://develop.finki.ukim.mk/projects/isis/browser/trunk/src/main/java/mk/ukim/finki/isis/dossier/pages/admin/DegreeList.java
> Project pom.xml:
> https://develop.finki.ukim.mk/projects/isis/browser/trunk/pom.xml

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