First of all, I have made a mistake in the subject - it was supposed to be 5.4-rc-1

On 14.12.2015 09:18, Chris Poulsen wrote:
show. (If you are not using include, a number of things can go wrong like:
the Degree class may evolved, the hibernate stuff may have added extra
runtime properties that the introspector is picking up, the JDK version may
have changed which means that the introspector behavior may have changed,
new data type analyzers may have been added etc.)
The added property is not a member of this class properties, so I see no real reason why including the other properties should matter. But, I do get why you are suggesting that.

On the other hand, I would prefer not to use the "include" since it polutes the (H)THML with with internal (read: database) details. On the other hand, "add" is just a view layer thing, since you add an interaction element to the (H)TML.

But, this debate is fruitless, because it does not matter.
I tried using "include", the problem remains.

I guess the real reason for this happening is some incompatibility, between some of the libraries, but I have spent many hours to find the problem and tried many combinations without luck. So any ideas towards finding a solution would be great.

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