For Eclipse, you want to install Dmitry Gusev's excellent Tapestry plugin

By the way, I agree with your comments about javascript documentation. It's
great if you've been working with Javascript and AMD modules before, but
totally lost if you haven't.


On Fri, Feb 12, 2016 at 2:28 PM, h3ph3st0s <> wrote:

> Hi, I met your framework couple days ago. From Wednsday till this moment,
> I managed to compile a pet project in maven, loaded in eclipse, studied
> code, started to work in an agile but solo way and now I have:
> 4 screens under tabbed layout
> 1 page with grid and a form to submit a simple information
> 1 page with dynamic editable grid which has paging and IS NOT losing
> information during paging without using weird calls server-client
> 1 page that loads a whole directory as TreeBrowser. The user can access
> the nodes and can download each node when it is a file. AWESOME.
> 1 page that uploads files. Just that.
> And this is an application for a customer to present. I find the framework
> pretty good, fast if you have some proper solid guidance, such as jumpstart
> ( very nice ).
> And I believe that it has so tight connection to javascript is a must in
> comparison to proprietary adversaries with proprietary language tags.
> So all this I did it in 2 days. I have experience with other framework
> again in Java so some concepts are not new. Not even the model how to
> combine parts.
> I would like to share what I didn't like for reference.
>  * I didn't fully grasp how to handle Javascript. After all I want to
>    incorporate a plain javascript so simple as alert hello in my page
>    and I got lost with the explanations in various pages. Really that
>    needs fix. To tell the truth I just wanted to make some
>    event.stopPropagate commands over palette object!.....sad story
>  * The eclipse does not have autocomplete for the tml files. But it is
>    not so bad. ( I didn't look myself very hard to find it.....probably
>    didn't want it that much )
>  * Last I do not understand why someone built a palette object and not
>    a simple Listbox for a start.
> I wish all the best for a very nice job you have done
> Cheers
> Dimitris
> On 2016-02-13 0:08, joe schacher wrote:
>> i still know what he/she is gonna do about it.
>> On Fri, Feb 12, 2016 at 5:07 PM, Stephen Nutbrown <>
>> wrote:
>> The only reason you email the Tapestry users group is because Tapestry
>>> Users has many subscribers.
>>> The only reason Tapestery Users has many subscribers is because Tapestry
>>> is
>>> not dead.
>>> On 12 February 2016 at 22:00, David Taylor <
>>> wrote:
>>> If Tapestry is so terrible, why waste all the energy? Just to be
>>> obnoxious?
>>>> We would abandon Tapestry tomorrow if it weren't so bloody fast and easy
>>>> to extend.
>>>> emailsig On 2/12/2016 3:53 PM, Thiago H de Paula Figueiredo wrote:
>>>> On Fri, 12 Feb 2016 17:19:28 -0200, Emmanuel Sowah <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Tapestry sect,
>>>>> The state of Tapestry now is very bad, as Howard and all the other
>>>>>> commiters have abandoned it.
>>>>>> This is not true. Just check Jira and the Git logs.
>>>>> Even Thiago has secretly abandoned Tapestry.
>>>>> I have not, and you're telling a lie.
>>>>> I'm just answering this troll because of the lies he keeps on
>>>>> spreading,
>>>>> which are bordering on defamation.
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