
I built a small tapestry page under jboss. I read that in order to apply SSL I had to either put @Secure annotation or configure with
configuration.add(MetaDataConstants.SECURE_PAGE, "true");

Everything is ok with that, but my issue how can I make this to be reconfigured each time depending the url if it has "http" or "https" and without restarting application server.

The request is that the application should be accessed with or without SSL. Jboss is configured ok. But I am stack with this hardcoded "true".

Can I override it ?
Is there any other workaround ?

Just for clarification I wanted something like that ( depending on the url ) :
String jbossDir= System.getProperty("jboss.server.base.dir");
        Properties appProp = new Properties();
        try {
appProp.load(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(String.format("%s/app.properties", jbossDir ) )));
            String ssl = appProp.getProperty("SSL");
            if ( ssl !=null ) {
                ssl = ssl.toLowerCase().trim();
*configuration.add(MetaDataConstants.SECURE_PAGE, ssl);*
        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
            configuration.add(MetaDataConstants.SECURE_PAGE, "true");
        } catch (IOException e) {
            configuration.add(MetaDataConstants.SECURE_PAGE, "true");

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