We are running our tapestry app in IE11 compatibilty mode. One of the pages
has palette and the left/right buttons doesn't work. The button remains
disabled even when we select an item from left box.The page works on

Since IE intranet sites are by default runs on compatibility mode on IE11
and our other legacy apps also depends on compatibility mode we have to
render our tapestry pages in compatibility mode.

The app's palette buttons works fine on standard mode.

I have tested with different steps to make it work but none of them worked.
So far I have tried with the followings.

Added <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" CONTENT="IE=Edge" /> in the .tml
This forced IE to render pages in 'Standard' mode even it's in
compatibility mode.
This did fix the issue of 'ProgressiveDisplay' loading issue. But the
Palette page still doesn't work.

In the AppModule I tested with:

This did fix the Palette left/right button issue in compatibility mode
which I was looking for. But it disables the Prototype which other pages
depend on. We cannot disable Prototype.

I searched the internet and found there's a third party jar
'Tapestry5-jquery-4.1.1' which tells tapestry not to suppress 'Prototype'
and 'Scriptaculous'.
So I added:
configuration.add(JQuerySymbolConstants.JQUERY_ALIAS, "$j");
configuration.add(JQuerySymbolConstants.SUPPRESS_PROTOTYPE, "false");

That didn't work. The pages which depends on 'Prototype' doesn't work.
Although Palette left/right buttons work since we specifically tells
tapestry to use 'jquery'.

Not sure what else I should do to make the palette component's left/right
button work on compatibility mode.
I wonder if anyone has worked with the same issue with Palette component on
IE compatibilty mode.

The palette .tml has the following code.

<t:form t:id="form">
<t:errors t:banner="${message:errors-banner}"/>

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<t:palette t:id="stores" selected="stores" encoder="storeEncoder"
t:deselect="context:images/arrow_left_new.png" validate="required"
t:select="context:images/arrow_right_new.png"  >

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I would greatly appreciate any response or any comment or advice.

Thank you.

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