I have also set the response header in the SessionRequestFilter service()

aResponse.setHeader(HEADER_KEY, "IE=Edge");
where HEADER_KEY = "X-UA-Compatible";

That didn't seem to work either. I do see in the response through fiddler
that this header value is being set to IE=Edge.

Any comment or advice would help me greatly.

Thank you.

On Mon, Jun 27, 2016 at 4:07 PM, sheikh hossain <shossa...@gmail.com> wrote:

> We are running our tapestry app in IE11 compatibilty mode. One of the
> pages has palette and the left/right buttons doesn't work. The button
> remains disabled even when we select an item from left box.The page works
> on Chrome/Firefox.
> Since IE intranet sites are by default runs on compatibility mode on IE11
> and our other legacy apps also depends on compatibility mode we have to
> render our tapestry pages in compatibility mode.
> The app's palette buttons works fine on standard mode.
> I have tested with different steps to make it work but none of them worked.
> So far I have tried with the followings.
> Added <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" CONTENT="IE=Edge" /> in the .tml
> head.
> This forced IE to render pages in 'Standard' mode even it's in
> compatibility mode.
> This did fix the issue of 'ProgressiveDisplay' loading issue. But the
> Palette page still doesn't work.
> In the AppModule I tested with:
> configuration.add(SymbolConstants.JAVASCRIPT_INFRASTRUCTURE_PROVIDER,
> "jquery");
> This did fix the Palette left/right button issue in compatibility mode
> which I was looking for. But it disables the Prototype which other pages
> depend on. We cannot disable Prototype.
> I searched the internet and found there's a third party jar
> 'Tapestry5-jquery-4.1.1' which tells tapestry not to suppress 'Prototype'
> and 'Scriptaculous'.
> So I added:
> configuration.add(JQuerySymbolConstants.JQUERY_ALIAS, "$j");
> configuration.add(JQuerySymbolConstants.SUPPRESS_PROTOTYPE, "false");
> That didn't work. The pages which depends on 'Prototype' doesn't work.
> Although Palette left/right buttons work since we specifically tells
> tapestry to use 'jquery'.
> Not sure what else I should do to make the palette component's left/right
> button work on compatibility mode.
> I wonder if anyone has worked with the same issue with Palette component
> on IE compatibilty mode.
> The palette .tml has the following code.
> <t:form t:id="form">
> <t:errors t:banner="${message:errors-banner}"/>
> <tc:groupbox>
> - - - - - - -
> - - - - - - -
> <t:palette t:id="stores" selected="stores" encoder="storeEncoder"
> model="storesModel"
> t:deselect="context:images/arrow_left_new.png" validate="required"
> t:select="context:images/arrow_right_new.png"  >
> - - - - - - -
>  - - - - - -
> I would greatly appreciate any response or any comment or advice.
> Thank you.

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