By default Tapestry locks user session when handling requests
It makes your applications less susceptible to race conditions but of
course it has drawback that only one request per user (if a session is
used) can be handled concurrently.

You can disable this behaviour by setting symbol
"tapestry.session-locking-enabled" to false,
see org.apache.tapestry5.SymbolConstants#SESSION_LOCKING_ENABLED.

On Tue, Jun 26, 2018 at 5:30 PM Robson Liebke <>

> HI all,
> I have created a component that is used to load a badge count. I am
> updating this component every 5 seconds, however the processing for some
> environment takes longer due amount of data. There fore, the ajax call
> request done in this component was just blocked the entire UI avoiding any
> other request while the ajax call is not returned. I solved that problem by
> creating a thread to run my background process, and immediately return the
> request, next time a new request is done I check if the work by thread is
> done and update my UI. Nevertheless, I am still wondering why an ajax
> request that is supposed to be asynchronous is blocked the other requests.
> Regards,
> Rob

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