On Tue, Nov 27, 2018 at 10:37 PM Mats Andersson <mats.anders...@ronsoft.se>

> About client and server separation, I meant that the application should
> be split into one server/back-end part providing a rest interface and a
> web application part which can use a completely different framework like
> Angular. That way no dependencies exist between the two which helps a
> lot during upgrade of libs etc. From my experience that has worked well.

Oh, sorry, I misunderstood your text. I definitely agree with the frontend
and backend separation.

> I believe there is no need to split Tapestry itself for this purpose

It wouldn't be for that purpose. It would be for applications that what the
Tapestry RequestFilter/Dispatcher goodies but not the templating engine.
REST endpoints would fall into that category. If we do that, we could have
a smaller dependency, JAR size and memory usage (even though Tapestry is
very good at not initializing stuff until it's actually used) for that

> and I am aware of that there are still use-cases for handling everything
> in
> a single application. It is good with choices :-)



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