Hi all,

I have tomcat server in production and after some time (maybe 2 or 3 days) it stops answering request. When I acces the login page with my browser it just waits indefinitly for the page to load.. nothing happen.

In my webapp I have a thread that look into the db .. I know that this thread is still working properly. Is someone have any idea on what going on ?.. or on what can cause the server to hang the way it does? Or any suggestion to troubbleshoot to find what doing on?

I go throught Catalina.log and other logs file and there is nothing .. no exception not a clue :-(

This site is working for a while now and I don't know if the probleme just appears lately or was there since the beginning. The log file (Catalina.log) was 300megs .. I don't this as something to do with the problem thought. Here is other relevant information:

RedHat9, kernel 2.4.20-43.9
Mem:       2064440    2027876      36564          0     292088    1204668
-/+ buffers/cache:     531120    1533320
Swap:       942456     144260     798196
CPU Dual P4 Xeon 3Ghz HT disabled
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.2_07-b05)

Thanks for your help.

/David Gagnon

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