> PS I don't think that I have see the problem that you have reported.  I run
> TC 5.5.9 on WinXP with Mysql 4.1.11 and Connector/J 3.1.8, have never
> noticed that problem, my pools always seem to clean up fine.

You might not have the same setup. I would suggest to try the following:

1. make sure you define the datasource in META-INF/context.xml and you
access the DB using that JNDI datasource.
2. package your webapp as a war
3. Do a "netstat" and note how many DB connections are open
4. deploy your webapp using the ant task or the manager webapp
5. Access your webapp to use the DB
6. Do another "netstat" to confirm that there is one more DB
connection (which is now pooled)
7. undeploy your webapp using the ant task or the manager webapp (do
not stop tomcat)
8. Do one more "netstat" and I would be very surprised if the extra
connection was closed :-)

Another explanation for your finding could be setting maxIdle="0" in
the resource definition, but that practically disables pooling.

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